How to find the best price tickets for a month or a whole season
Travels Web Services / / December 19, 2019
If you do not have the exact date of departure, you can buy the cheapest airline tickets. And no need to sort out the different services and sites aggregators, you can look in the "Calendar of low prices" and see the best offer immediately.
When there is no clear date of departure, priority is given to the ticket price. But you will not check every month on the date of availability of the most lucrative offers. You can make it easier - to see the most favorable date for the departure a week, a month or a few months of using the service "Calendar faresĀ» Aviasales. Following recent improvements it is now even more precise: now the results there is almost 100% identical to the real, and special filters allow for a couple of minutes to find the most profitable option.
Before describing the functionality of "Calendar of low prices" is a bit to reveal its essence. This "Calendar" is filled with the help of users of the service, or rather, their queries and results found.
The grid "Calendar" you can see the most advantageous tickets are found by users in the last 48 hours. The more tickets you have found fresh (no more than two hours ago), the greater the probability of its presence. And now for the service.
Audience: "Calendar"? Everyone who has already decided on the destination, but has not yet decided about the date.
We are looking for the best prices for the season
Let's say you're planning to take a vacation in the autumn-winter and 10 days of rest in a warm and sunny Thailand. The "Calendar of low prices," says three months - October to December - and the duration of their vacation.
Click "Show price", and the phone displays the three specified month marks the cheapest tickets.
Favorable tickets are marked in green, so you can decide which date is best for you. Well, if your decision is entirely dependent on the value of the right side of the screen you will see a menu listing the cheapest tickets. In my case it is 20 071rubl.
Click on the best date of departure and see a table with several tickets for this cost. has a duration of leave and the time when the ticket was found next to the prices.
For example, if it is added to an hour ago, most likely, it is not bought and the price has not changed. In this case, you should not hesitate - go to the site and buy tickets.
Well, if the ticket was found a long time, for example more than 15 hours ago, next to it there is a button "Find," and if you click on it, it will look Aviasales suitable for you at prices and conditions tickets.
Of course, the flight may be interested in not only the cost, but the number of transplants. To do this in the "Calendar of low prices" has special filters. You can either install a filter on a specific value, leave the duration and number of stops.
In addition, if you do not know when to take a vacation, and, in principle, you do not care, you can use another tool "Calendar of low prices" - the value of the schedule by months. Here you can see which months in your direction uses the least demand, and can defer vacation until.
By the way, you can monitor the prices not only in the browser, but also in Aviasales applications for iOS and Android.
Is a much more convenient: You can check the availability of at least several times a day, once issued a free minute. Or make it even easier - to subscribe to the direction and expect when will a suitable offer.
And that's not all the features of the service "Calendar of low prices." He is not only the most favorable tickets for certain destinations, but also the most favorable direction to the desired date, and the best tickets for the next date of the set. Familiarize yourself with all the service features can be here.
If you lack the functions described in this review, you can go directly to the "Calendar of low pricesĀ» Aviasales and to seek the most advantageous tickets.
Price: Free
Price: Free