In our blog so much written about articles travelsIt would be simply unforgivable not to touch the issue of traveling with pets! So that all dog breeders, lovers of cats and other animals dedicated!
Sometimes it turns out that you need to go far for a long time, or close to, and still a long time. Do you have a pet that you can not pay for such a long period of your friends or relatives. Animal hotel will cost you a tidy sum. There are also people who believe their chetverochnogo other full member of the family and even in nightmare could not imagine that flying off for a week on vacation should leave it to someone stranger. In any case, at least to start planning a trip with your pet, you need to to know a few basic rules that operate both within the CIS and when traveling in Europe or the United States. Of course, each country and the airline has its own nuances. But these questions you will find out already directly when buying tickets.
So, I share what I have found in various sources. First, some details on the documents.
domestic travel
The first and indispensable condition - your pet must be vaccinated by standard vaccine. Accordingly, if you must have a veterinary certificate (vaccination, the nickname of the animal and its age).
Traveling for Granz
When traveling abroad with your pet in addition to standard vaccinations must be more and more, if required by the regulations of the country you are traveling to. For example, when traveling in Europe obligatory vaccination against rabies plus everything necessarily chipping animal! Still, you will need more and export license, which confirms that you are not taken out for some very rare animal. If the dog is purebred and it cost more than $ 200, you will have to pay more and extra tax.
5 days prior to departure, you should get help at the state veterinary clinic, which should be translated into English. It will bring you to the veterinary control.
Do it now particularly to regulations for the transport in aircraft.
1. In the cabin
You have the right to carry a small animal, which weight together with the cell does not exceed 5 kg (on some air lines up to 8 kg). It may be small dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, birds singing, etc. The exceptions are guide dogs - they are always in the cabin with the owner. The cell is placed under the seat in front of you.
cells Requirements
Dog / cat must be able to stand with our heads held (without taking the cover), turn around and lie down comfortably. For dogs with short noses cell size must be greater to avoid breathing problems. Cell must be made of hard plastic with embedded metal door. Wooden cells and cells with wooden doors are not allowed.
Copy of the passport of the animal / veterinary declaration must be attached to the cage. Make copies of the declaration during the registration.
Tanks for drinking and eating.
Cell must be provided with two rigid receptacles or one with two compartments - for food and water; capacity should be available with the door closed.
absorbent material
The bottom is covered with the cells should be rags, papers or other absorbent material. Litter is not allowed.
The cage should be equipped with at least one label "Live Animal" stickers and two "Top".
A label with the name of the passenger
On the cell must be attached a label with the name, address and phone number of the passenger.
Leash / muzzle
Pets must be caged without a leash and a muzzle; leash or muzzle should not be in a cage.
Lock the cage door must be strong. Padlocks are not allowed. Hinges and latches the door should protrude from above and below at least 1.6 cm.
The wheels must be removed.
Carriage in the cargo hold
Transportation of animal is paid as excess baggage. For dogs weighing more than 40 kg require a separate ticket purchase and allocate a separate passenger seat. That is, it certainly will not fly in the cabin :) It simply means that you redeem one ticket.
A small table with groups of countries and the requirements of:
groups of countries:
BUT. UK, Ireland, Malta, Sweden.
B. Andorra, Vatican, Gibraltar, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Switzerland, EU member states are not included in group A.
C. Australia, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, USA, Croatia, Chile, Jamaica, Japan, 20 island states.
D. The rest of the world.
Training. Do not let the animal drink 4 hours prior to departure, there - 12 hours before departure. If the dog swayed, then you better stock up a proven remedy, and if your friend is quite hectic, the tranquilizer or sedative also did not interfere.
Here, perhaps, and all. As I said, this is a brief overview. If you are interested in this issue in more detail, then you should look into the source document and ask tariffs at that carrier whom you have chosen (tariffs and some details on the Transport for all different).
Successful travel to you and your pet!