How to get to the surf or a proven way to break away from the routine
Travels Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Today I'll tell you about surfing. So it was that I, a man very lazy to sport, and which was given to the aforesaid with great anguish, finally I found a something very exciting. And the name of this - surfing.
Last year I decided to visit the famous island of Bali, and the very next day after arriving enrolled in a surf school and went to class.
The first lesson we have stood on the foam - a training phase before entering the real green waves. Further more. We surf every day. Reached a new level, we began to ride on a surf trip and may learn new surf spots.
Surfing - is an effective way to break away from the routine and look at your life from a completely new angle. Surfing - is meditation.
Surfing - a prayer, and the ocean is a temple. Each swim - it is a confession.
Surf and everyone can. It's enough to buy a ticket to Bali, where the waves all year, go to the beach in Kuta and pick up a surf school spirit. In Kuta you will find a school to suit every taste - Russian, international and Indonesian, mainly in the face of individual instructors.
Education is worth no more than $ 50 for a lesson in groups, and $ 70- $ 100 for individual scenario. I must say the group is much more interesting (I absolutely opposite opinion when it comes to courses DJing writing and music). Education is constructed so that the whole group comfortably listen to the theory and practical training. In addition, when you enter a noisy company into the ocean, the local pro-surfers spread out, knowing that students will bring with them "adjustments" in their plans for the day. When you're just with the instructor together, it may be less comfortable, but even in this case, a good instructor will help you with everything and tell.
All this is my personal guess, and note that I did and continue to do during and after surfing. I myself took a group lesson, together with a friend and sister, and very happy that I chose this way of learning. Together fun. For the initial rate is enough to pass four lessons, you can practice on yourself.
For more serious level desirable for surf-ride Tripping instructor or school. In order to keep track of your professional equipment and helped in the ocean. Well, after you've already decide, you can rent or buy a board. And themselves, but rather with a friend, you can ride on the surf spot. It is exciting and interesting.
Surfing seriously affected my life. From the beginning I tuned in to the classes seriously and after a few lessons bought first board. The fact is that over the years of his life in the city, as well as the intensity of my work, my head really boil. And apparently surfing I found me, but I'm not him. I never thought that I would be walking around barefoot for 10 000 km from home with a surfboard under his arm... and everything is just beginning ...
Surfing gets into you. You see, when you go out into the ocean, where there is only you, the board and the waves when you knead and talking, when you take the wave - everything goes by the wayside. All problems, anxiety, cockroaches - go. It really is meditation. And a permanent job with fear. You never know what awaits you at the time of each event in the ocean, and after skating experience real reverence.
Surfing adjusted attitude to life, to work, to the people. I really began to treat everything a little bit easier. And he began to really enjoy every day as the last. And most importantly, began to notice what was previously taken for granted - the beauty of nature, the taste of salt water, warm breeze, blue skies and the joy of being here and now.
For their business I ran a system of "surf-marketing", which reduced the time spent on advertising by 70%. And all because the surf washes in your body and mind all the excess, leaving the core, leaving the main thing.
I assure you, if you will like surfing - it will definitely make you better as a person. You'll be healthier physically and mentally, to work things will become easy, for example, if you are a businessman, subject to stress and anxiety for everything - you just need a surf.
In our time, a man more difficult to express themselves, to perform the feat, "kill the dragon." Surfing fills this niche. The new spots, new wave, the new board. As in ancient times, we can gather your gear and go for adventure and danger. And that's fine ...
Come to Bali and try surfing yourself. I'll be glad to hear comments surfers on how it has changed your life. A beginners happy to answer any questions.