10 rules that should be remembered every ecotourist
Travels / / December 19, 2019
Even the mighty and invincible Everest suffer garbage from mountains, tourist ungrateful erected. The problem is so critical that the Nepalese authorities have obliged the conquerors of the highest mountain in the world to leave a deposit of $ 4000 dollars, which is withdrawn if climbers do not bring their own back waste.
But not so many tourists visit this attraction - only about 300 people a year. What can we say about other heavenly corners of our planet, to look at the thousands of visitors who come? Maldives, for example, annually visits About 900 000 tourists. It is not surprising that local authorities have been forced to create an artificial island - a landfill for disposal. The same applies to types of historical Egypt. Soon near the pyramid of Cheops you will see garbage pyramid.
The theme of the formation of ecological consciousness in the modern tourists is becoming more popular. If you love to travel, but would like to leave behind a trail of pioneer, not a "carbon footprint", then use the rules of "green" tourist.
1. Take care of your trash
Do you want to organize a picnic for the hotel, explore the rainforest or go up to the mountains? Think about where to then get to the accumulation of debris. It is not difficult to take a special package for the waste, leaving it in the nearest trash can. If you could bring my things to a business center, the empty container will be able to convey to the destination without any difficulty. The problem is that debris left in nature is capable of destroying someone's habitat, eventually contaminating the water source and the ground. Animals can eat, for example, a plastic bag or solid waste and die.
In addition, in many countries there is a rigid system of fines for not donesonny to trash bins. It is quite painful topic for inexperienced tourists. For example, in Singapore discarded trash on the beach, a cigarette butt or chewing gum would cost $ 1000 local dollars.
2. Prefer durable packaging
Rag ekosumka can solve the problem of plastic bags, and reusable water bottle will save you from the mountain of plastic packaging.
3. Choose the right souvenirs
Masters of souvenir crafts red book often does not stop. Endangered species of animals or plants go on lovely trinkets that for years gathering dust in the sideboards and shelves, without giving any more joy.
It is quite obvious that you should not buy the figurines from the tusks of African elephants or dried wings of rare species of tropical butterflies. But even if the population of a species of animal are not nearing zero, it does not mean you have to buy 10 purses of snake skin. Environmental responsibility in this act a little.
4. Give up some exotic dishes
Shark fins, turtle, crocodile tail, whale meat and so on. Understandably, some is only one chance in life to try similar dish. But this is the life experience, which should be abandoned, not to be one of the reasons for the increase in demand (and hence supply) on the brutal killing of endangered animals.
5. Buy products of local farms
If possible, give preference to organic products, manufactured locally at the place of arrival. So you can help local producers, and will contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions that occur during the transport of products from other countries. So forget at least for a time of travel of foreign soda, chocolate bars and chips. And why all this, if in the same countries of Southeast Asia, for example, on all sides you are surrounded by sweet and alluring exotic fruits?
6. Choose "green" mode of transport
In a recent study Scientists from Canada found that 25% of cars are responsible for 90% of all pollution associated with vehicle exhausts. What are the consequences resulting wide traffic, do not even think better. In this case, no "refreshing" of inhalation of carbon dioxide and other carcinogens can not do any day of urban residents.
Traveling on the green and clean corners of the planet, try to keep them as clean. If on foot absolutely nothing, and public transportation are tired, then give preference to cycling. And the great "no roll"? You can rent electric car, a hybrid car or a car with a fuel cell engine.
7. Stay in the "green" hotels
In recent years, tourists are increasingly paying attention to the environmental component of the hotels in which stop. In an effort to comply with the latest ekotendentsiyam and not lose customers, hotels of all levels apply the principles of saving water, electricity use alternative energy sources, properly dispose of garbage, used in the construction of environmentally friendly materials, and even carry out educational work among personnel. In order to find out if the hotel cares about the environment enough to find information about the presence of his special environmental certification (LEED, Green Hotel, Green Leaf, Green Key).
By the way, some hotels attract tourists by the presence of exotic dishes and shows with wild animals. You can also go to the principle and refuse such a hotel. Even save succeed, because the turtle soup for lunch do not offer for a beautiful smile.
8. Choose eco-friendly fun
Traveling through Indonesia, for example, you can refuse to visit the zoo in Surabaya, which had nickname zoo of death due to unbearable living conditions for the animals.
Studying the tradition of the Faroe Islands, do not admire, much less to take part in the mass slaughter of black dolphins and whales.
If you come to enjoy the South African species, do not settle for the services of organizing the hunting safari.
Want to try your hand at scuba diving anywhere in Bermuda? Do not forget about the importance of preserving endangered coral reefs.
Planning is what places you want to visit a new country or city, explore the cultural program also from an environmental point of view. Placed on the Internet a lot of feedback and advice on the subject. No need to create excitement by funding the extermination of species or mistreatment of animals.
9. Try to relax outside the box and without harm to the environment
The comfortable accommodation in five-star hotels hard to refuse. But at least once, you can try to relax unusual. "Green" tourism with each new season more and more at the hearing. And fantasy conservationists never sleeps: ecotourism, rural and agri-tourism, tourism dive or stay in the countryside, environmental education programs, and so on. The choice is really impressive.
10. Little "green" tips
Going on a trip, do not forget to turn off household appliances. While in the room, do not turn on the air conditioner or needlessly leave the lights on in the bathroom. Use water sparingly, because in some countries it is an invaluable resource.
It may seem that something like tips to limit your vacation. But now environmental topic concerns everyone.
"I just try one once, and nothing bad will happen" - not very successful type of that of an adult, is not it?