As we went to Scotland, and learn the secrets of the island whiskey production
Travels A Life / / December 19, 2019
What is Ardbeg Day
From 1984 to the end of May on the island of Islay runs a music festival and whiskey Fèis Ìle. It attracts people from all over the world to taste the Scotch whiskey and see how it is done. During the festival, local distilleries open the door and carry out the production of the tour.
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- "Today's rain - is tomorrow's Whiskey": how to live on the Scottish island of Islay
And yes, the production of whiskey - this is the distillery. The name comes from the process of production of brandy, when people are "smoked" wine - boiled it to get a pair of grape alcohol. Wine in this case was referred to a drink from the bottle, and the raw material for alcohol - Braga containing alcohol.
Eugene Skurihin
Project Founder
Distillation - is the process of forcing any alcohol. First, from the mash produced alcohols, and then kept them in barrels. Of wine so make cognac and armagnac, from cider - calvados from the beer mash - whiskey.
Following the fashion of Anglicisms, the people who organize the «Event" or "rummage positions" can be called the distillery "distillery". It's just a word russified distillery. But Pushkin from this would be turning in his grave.
During Fèis Ìle distillery Ardbeg suit your own holiday - Ardbeg Day. It is held on the last Saturday of the festival and this year it falls on June 1. Event is taking place not only in the Isle: distillery representative arrange events in honor of Ardbeg Day around the world - from Canada to New Zealand.
Ardbeg each year selects a new holiday theme. In past times spent on the Isle soccer football fields on peat and peat organized holiday and love in the best traditions of the hippies.
This year, the creators were inspired by carnivals Ayla - traditional festive procession in which locals adorn everything that has a wheel, from tractors to wheelbarrows. The holiday was really bright, the customs Ayla added Caribbean motifs.
Alexander Sysoev
The founder of the Festival of Russian restaurant and author of Telegram-channel SysoevFM
The holiday has turned in a good home. All dancing, singing rock band, stood in line for local specialties and rejoiced constant change of the rain the sun.
I was struck by the number of elderly people who were dancing and having a good time on a par with young people. Healthy lifestyle is clearly not about them, but their example shows that everything is possible, but in moderation.
Entertainment on Ardbeg Day is usually selected in a holiday theme. At this time, for guests organized a carnival with colorful costumes and prepared for competitions.
Most apt competed in a kind of dash, throwing the ball in pineapples and coconuts, standing on the posts. For holders of an enviable eye estimation organized a competition in which it was necessary to ride on the table lemon and lime, to get exactly the circle of nails in the center of the table. Nothing complicated and worthy prize - a bottle of whiskey.
Mandatory part of Ardbeg Day - music and dancing. Bagpipes Layfhakera delegation at the festival did not see, but the guys got on the performance of local cover bands.
Alexander Sysoev
Member of the rock group was very similar to the one of the singers Oasis is an, as the musicians themselves worthy perepevali whole post-punk, which I love: from the Strokes to Franz Ferdinand.
In honor of the holiday Ardbeg launches limited edition whiskey. In 2019 guests provided Ardbeg Drum - drink cask of rum. Creators describe flavor as "combination of notes of pine resin with shades of banana, pineapple and dark chocolate."
Where is the Fèis Ìle
Ayla - a small island in the Inner Hebrides archipelago to the west of Scotland. From Moscow here you can reach with transfers: first, arriving at Heathrow, then to Glasgow, and then you need to make another flight to the local airport or get to the island by ferry.
Ardbeg Distillery is located on the south shore of Isla. It is engaged in commercial production whiskey since 1815. Things distillery quickly went up the hill: in 1887 there produced 1.1 million liters of whiskey a year.
In 2000, the distillery there was an official community of fans. The Ardbeg Committee brings together lovers of whiskey from 140 countries. In the community of about 120 000 participants - it is 40 times more than the entire population of the island.
Talisman Ardbeg - Jack Russell Terrier Shorty. The dog lived in the house next door to the production of Ardbeg, regularly raided at the distillery, and made friends with the staff. Shorty often notice the excavation in the vicinity of the distillery - apparently, the dog had a good nose for peat.
This year was awarded Shorty personal graffiti: the legendary dog portrait appeared on the wall of the distillery.
Things to do on the Isle
See how making whiskey
In the production of whiskey show the manufacturing process and allow to compare samples from different barrels. Tree affect the taste of the drink, so it's a good way to expand your culinary horizons.
Irina Rogava
Leading YouTube-channel Layfhakera
Tour we spent Mickey Heads - Managing distillery Ardbeg. He explained how to make whiskey, straight from the start: from the cultivation of barley and its purification. We even tried the roasted barley!
Alexander Sysoev
At the distillery will explain all the principles of production and at the same time help to advice on what to study next. If you think that there are going highbrow theoreticians, you are mistaken: whiskey is a friend and comrade, and not an object of worship.
Holiday gathering and connoisseurs, and those who are only acquainted with a drink. Ardbeg Day - this is a chance to try out a good product in the company of professionals.
Eugene Skurihin
The tasting will be held at the distillery in 100 times more interesting than in a restaurant kitchen. At the distillery you can feel a special atmosphere, and during the holiday plunge into the family Ardbeg fans from around the world. Then you realize that you do not become a customer, and part of a large family Ardbeg.
Walk in the peat fields
Among connoisseurs of the island of Islay is known as the place of manufacture of peat whiskey. One of the stages of preparation of barley - it is dried, it is here and comes in peat. To deliver coal to the island was too expensive, so the distillery is traditionally treated peat.
Peat gives the drink a typical smoky notes. After aging in oak barrels whiskey becomes a huge palette of flavors: caramel, fruits and marine notes. They form the special nature of island whiskey.
Peat is extracted from April to mid-July: the exact timing is not, because everything depends on the weather. If you will be taken to the island in the late spring, have a chance to actually see how the fields are dried peat briquettes.
See sheep
Cuddle sheep will not work: First, do not trust other people's sheep, and secondly, they graze on fenced private areas. But you can make a ton of selfie in their company and just wander around, enjoying the sights and silence.
Irina Rogava
I once went for a walk, moved 20 meters from the hotel and caught a feeling that came into the forest. Colossal silence around: no cars, no people, nothing. Just you and nature. Here the birds are singing, somewhere lambs bleating somewhere ladybugs moo, there a rabbit run.
try the haggis
According to legend, this dish is made from wild haggis. It creatures resembling a cross between a hedgehog and skunk. The left and right legs Haggis have different length, because of this, the animals running around in circles. To catch a haggis, you need to dig a hole and sprinkle black pepper around it. The animal is so fond of the scent, he forgets everything, welling circles around the hole and falls into the trap.
In fact, wild haggis exist only in fairy tales, but the real haggis is made from sheep's innards with oatmeal, onions and bacon. It sounds so-so, but the Scots revere tradition.
Haggis goes well with whiskey. But if the sheep's entrails is too much for you, try to combine the drink with desserts: peaty whiskey, for example, disclosed in the company's good brownie.
Irina Rogava
I do not really like meat, so that haggis for me too much. The most delicious - a brownie with salt. A combination of salt and sweet - it's just th-th-th!
At Ardbeg Day can try other combinations of whiskey and smoked fish, whiskey and fresh seafood - scallops, mussels, crab meat and oysters.
Olesya Szyszko
videographer Layfhakera
I ate a pigeon! Tastes like gras. More first I tried oysters - very much, like the honeyed fish.
Take a dip in the Atlantic Ocean
The site of the festival is not far from the shore. At least help the legs - this, too, then you can brag about.
Weather on the Isle can not be called stable: rain gives way to drizzle and then suddenly can look out of the sun. If you go to Scotland in the summer, grab just in case, and a raincoat, and a swimsuit or swimming trunks. Certainly useful and that, and another.
We Scots have a saying: "Today's rain - is tomorrow's whiskey." Without rain there would be no barley or peat, no money, so to changeable weather local philosophically.
Irina Rogava
Five days on the island we were able to try all kinds of rain, drizzle, mushroom, pouring in buckets. Scots as the St. Petersburg group - accustomed to such weather changes. One day we had a tour of the hour Finllaganu - historic site on the Isle. As soon as we got off the bus, it started to rain. Russian tour guide would say: "Let me tell you all of the bus." And the Scots still uneasy: they are simply given raincoats, rubber boots and wool socks and continued to tour.
Find friends from different countries
On Day Ardbeg whiskey lovers come from all over the world. This year there were even guests from India, Brazil, Hong Kong and Japan.
Irina Rogava
We met people from Australia! One girl told me that 27 hours of flying, riding and swam to get here. I also met with a dog Misha - she came together with the mistress of Florida.
If the English have so-so, it will not prevent communication. Local English almost foreign. It is taught in schools, but in the Isle is still possible to meet local who speak Gaelic in everyday life.
The Scots are well aware that their accent is difficult to understand without training, and always willing to help, even if I have to go to the sign language.
Olesya Szyszko
Here is a very developed culture of small talk. If we come near to a colleague and asked how did you sleep or how his mother, he at you strange looks: you, what business? And in Scotland, you can talk on any topic and you will easily answer. Everything is easy, and with a smile.
How to win a ticket to Scotland
Together with Ardbeg we're giving away a trip to Aylu. You will walk along the peat fields, visit the distillery and see firsthand how barley is converted into whiskey.
It's simple: click on the big red button and get to the page with the detailed terms and conditions of the contest. July 26 Ardbeg will choose the winner via a random number generator.
Participate in a contest
The editors reminded that alcohol is harmful to health, and advised to refrain from excessive use of alcoholic beverages.