How do you know that a person is lying to you + short test
Relations / / December 19, 2019
How to determine whether you a man lying or telling the truth? To do this, do not just listen to what he says, but also to carefully observe his gestures and intonation. Tonight we want to offer you a quick video with simple tips and test tasks on BuzzFeed!
Children are very easy to catch a lie, because they still do not try to control your body. In adults, it is a much better, however, and they were not able to completely get rid of non-verbal signs, which give all our emotions and desires, even if it is thought through to the last detail.
How to tell if a person is lying to you? Do not just listen, look very carefully! Tonight, we offer you a video with tips and a small test by BuzzFeed;)
1. When a person is lying, he may begin to roll his eyes upward and diagonally, depending on whether it is right-handed or left-handed: right - right-handed, left - left-handed.
2. A person can either start to blink slowly, or, on the contrary, very often, to break eye contact.
3. The person may begin to hide some part of the body: cover hand over her mouth, eyes or neck.
4. Also liar may begin dramatically perk: zachosyvat hair, correct clothes twirl earrings.
5. Another sign: before answering the question, people can twist the head.
6. Since the untrue words come out of our throat before the lie, the person can swallow or cough, as though clears his throat, and her voice becomes higher.