Coworking instead of cheap office: fun together
Productivity Relations / / December 19, 2019
If you are a freelancer or have recently started their business up and running without employees, of course, that the office or you do not need or can not afford. The work from home or from the café has its advantages, but there are drawbacks, such as isolation from other people of different professions with whom you can communicate, or even perform a few common projects. And then there is an interesting model of work - coworking, and that gives you the freedom and communication.
The concept of coworking (co-working - teamwork) appeared in 2005. Of course, we have it started to appear much later.
The essence of coworking is that the person working on freelancing, a budding entrepreneur or other "free artist ", chooses for his work is not a house or a cafe and office space with necessary amenities, which can be operated everyone.
There is furniture and office equipment, coffee machine and a cooler, in general, all that is in the typical office environment. Once all is in the public domain, and everyone who comes may use it (or to reserve itself a separate table to work for them only).
Not like in the office, not at home
If you work at home all the time, can seriously lack of communication, others' ideas, opinions and suggestions. You do not necessarily find it all in coworking, but it is much more likely than at home.
In addition, many freelancers hurts no mood to work. Of course, it is difficult to work where you rest, so a separate room where other people work, fits much more.
But, despite this, you do not have to arrive on time or even at any particular time, at you is not worth a strict boss or manager, and you can work and how much you want.
New people, new ideas
By working in the same company, people gradually get used to each other, they formed a similar opinion, and often do not have a fresh look at the project, a new idea.
The beauty of coworking is that there are going to people of different professions and beliefs, and the only thing that unites them - a desire to work in a comfortable atmosphere and chat with other specialists.
In the center of coworking at the next table can sit freelance designers, programmers, performing big project to udalenke and aspiring businessman who has just launched his online store.
And each of them can do something to help the other, throw a new idea, to take on a little work, suggest how to do better, and who to contact.
This free communication between people who are not bound by superior-subordinate-officer, and in this way to communicate is much more pleasant.
Where you can find people for your project or harness oneself in other people's projects, it is possible to communicate with the office, have a good time, or sit, staring into his laptop and just enjoy the atmosphere and the pleasant noise (say, moderate noise outputs of the comfort zone and strengthens creativity).
Underwater rocks
Picture perfect coworking looks great, but everyone knows that it is rare ideals embodied in real life. Here it all depends on the circumstances and character.
For example, next to you can work irritating type that does not go to the contact, and does not behave in the best way, can get nasty kovorkery with whom you can not find a common language.
Probably, they will not be too much if a person chooses coworking, he wants to communicate and interact with others, or simply does not make sense to come to the office - to work from home.
Coworking - a personal choice to work together with others, rather than in isolation.
Prices and Services
When I started looking for coworking in Russia, it turned out that a lot of them. And just a room for work, they are not limited. Almost everyone has additional services such as room rental and equipment for conferences, trainings or even concerts with well-known performers.
Here, for example, a few coworking from different cities of Russia and Ukraine, and the prices for their services.
In the coworking center Bao in Moscow can work for 500 rubles per day, or 5,000 rubles per month, there is a kitchen and even the children's room, you can leave the bag in the storage drawer and gather your thoughts in the "quiet zone" without phones. Businessmen here can get free consultations with lawyers and accountants. This, incidentally, is quite a common service in coworking, however, is not always free of charge.
Some coworking even have showers, for example, in the Kiev center "At Lukyanovka". Here, for 1200-1500 UAH. per month, you can safely work in the office to use the printer and copier, order peregovorku. By the way, there is also a "quiet zone", that is, talk on the phone can only be in the hallway.
One of the largest co-working centers in St. Petersburg, "Coverage", offers floating workspace for 6,500 rubles a month, and not to look for a place each time - 8500. Here, too, there is a special area for conversations on the phone. It seems, "Silence in the Library" - one of the rules of good coworking. You can work out on the exercise bike and climbing wall, which is often lacking in the office, and even to visit the interesting events, lectures and master classes.
In the Permian coworking "Beehive" things work at home - you can treat yourself coffee and crackers, as the soul will wish to work in slippers and turn off at the time of the operation, hovering at Dendy and games PC3. All this for $ 100 per hour, 600 a day, and so on - the longer pay at once, the more economically produced. Incidentally, the "hive" for advice from a lawyer and accountant, you must purchase a club card.
Game consoles generally quite common in coworking. Coworking center "LOG" Kirov also offers a games room with consoles and plasma in a recreation area. This coworking thoughtfully distributed on three floors of the building - the first cafe on the second - a relaxation area, and the third has direct working area, which is calm and quiet. You can work for 5000 rubles per month.
As you can see, each has its own special coworking "chips" - someone takes a quiet, homely atmosphere, someone - a regular interesting events, such as conferences and trainings. Prices vary by center: in some you can buy packages with different services in other - loyalty cards, in Thirdly simply pay for two or three hours, or over time, but in general, the price range varies from 5 to 8000 per month.
Perhaps we should see different rooms for coworking because photos look better convey the atmosphere. Here are two sets of photographs of the different co-working centers in Russia and Ukraine.
In the first gallery - empty center of the room. So better seen interior design.
In the next gallery - different dvizhuha how simple workflow, and all sorts of events.
Now coworking in almost every city, so if you decide to try the free work in a motley team of professionals, to find the center with suitable conditions will not be difficult.