20 women's habits that put out
Relations / / December 19, 2019
1. Strangling his partner's attention
Caring and a desire to be constantly in touch - it's great, but in everything you need to know when to stop. It is not necessary to write or call every five minutes, and then be offended that the other person does not respond. Choose for each call the appropriate time, if it is, of course, not something urgent.
2. Wrong time management
There are usually two options. Or a woman digging to victory, in the end every time it is necessary to delay the output of the house and wait, wait, wait, or is going to greatly advance shpynyat gentleman, but in the end it turns out that you can not rush.
Tip one: determine empirically how much time you really need to pack, and act in view of the data. They say this method works. TO of dating it is also true: if a woman came before the designated time, the guilt is not a man here.
3. Do not warn us about their plans
This, you know, the game of the Secretary. Steep boss once to set appointments, schedule for his next personal assistant. Only we've got a different situation. All group activities to better coordinate plans with the second half. It is understandable that you want to take a guy or a husband to chat with their parents, but tell him about it in advance and not at the last moment.
4. Invent dubious holidays
Wedding anniversary - by itself, the anniversary of their first date - a stretch, but okay. The anniversary of that event, when we walk in the park for the first time joined hands - er, what? It is also necessary to observe?
Short Course Applied mozgovedeniya: every man in the depths of memory there is a compartment that houses the main important dates. A very small bay is very important dates. Else there would not fit physically.
5. Forever in all doubt
Take the same clothes. No, nor to go to extremes, and the whole life cost of one T-shirt and jeans, leave it to us. Just try to stick to the original plan and not to rush every morning from one variant to another, choosing what to wear. If we apply this principle to any situation where you need to make a choice, life will be much easier.
6. Play a guessing game
"Why am I angry? What do you think? "- after all, it is obvious, so I ask. This is not the "Fort Boyard" and you're not the old man Fura. If you want constructive conversation, speak straight, what's the problem.
7. Do not switch off for a light
Electricity, you know, the trees do not grow. There is no need to arrange a complete illumination throughout the apartment, if you sit in the same room, and to leave the TV is turned on, if you do not see right now.
However, it is not even in the accounts for electricity. Stroked the morning - just turn off the iron, so you do not wonder at work, or burned the house down yet.
8. Spy
Not including treason, espionage for a permanent man - perhaps the most compelling reason for separation. Suspicion - also in a sense of betrayal.
Read our correspondence, warm ears during telephone conversations, or what trenchant natural walk at our heels, trying to catch unfaithful, - such practices kill all respect and the trust. On the extension of relations and can be no question.
9. Excessive worry about overweight
Firstly, the scale of the tragedy is usually much exaggerated. Secondly, we do not care how much you weigh, do not like for it. 55, 60 or even 65 kilos - to us anyway. So do not spoil your life is empty torments.
10. Leave the hair in the shower drain
I know you are tired of listening to our complaints about this. So what is the problem? Showered - removed, momentary thing. And comb your hair, too, it would be nice sometimes to clean.
11. We try to change
In relationships, people, and so change - acquire new interests, make new habits, and all the like. Only there is a difference between voluntary changes and attempts to break through the knee partner, achieving your desired behavior. Batman also broke through the knee, but from "the Pit," he still escaped.
12. Dig up the past
Treat it as you want, but the fact remains that most likely you are not the first woman to whom your partner is experiencing warm feelings. Before you he probably hugged, kissed and called SEAL someone else. So what now?
Not worth time after time make partner brain, remembering the girls with whom he has managed to contact. Past - in the past.
13. To gossip
Do you think we really need to know, how are things with your girlfriend's sister colleagues with her new cavalier? We've never seen and hardly ever see these people, so do not care what is happening there with them. Gossip - an unusually vile thing. It is necessary to consider both sexes.
14. Flirt without measure
the attention of the opposite sex - a nice thing. Only there is a risk that your conduct will regard not as friendliness, and will attempt to roll over with all its consequences. Anyway, recklessly to flirt with everyone is not very respectful to your permanent partner.
15. Neglect personal partner space
It's not about the jars, which causes all the free space in the bathroom - if you really need it to health. I'm talking about freedom: let us spend an evening with friends, a half-day get stuck in the online game, well, everything.
Pair - two persons, each of whom may be your idea of a good leisure. And that's fine.
16. Paying too much attention to their appearance
"Do not look at me, I'm not wearing makeup." And in that awful? Modern standards of beauty are as far from reality as Neptune from the Sun, but some women are still trying to get closer to the ideal, harassing himself and his admirers. In vain, because they do not like for the straight arrow and fresh manicure.
This may also include the intentional attribution itself of certain shortcomings. Say, and the fat girl, and she had no legs from long.
It is assumed, apparently, that the interlocutor will rush to deny it all, a beautiful woman showering compliments. In fact, such behavior seems at least strange and indicates serious problems with self-esteem.
17. Take everything in your account
It is necessary to say that some colleague / friend / aunt on the TV screen cool thin as doomsday begins. "Well, the wali for her, if she likes you so" - a summary of the usual in such cases, the conversation.
It so happened that people have eyes. And these eyes they see. Sometimes people say about what they saw. How does this relate to you and your appearance? No.
If someone is deliberately trying to hurt you in this way - he's an idiot. In all other cases, do not take all the above reproach in your direction.
18. Try to manipulate others through tears
The idea to achieve the desired, to soften the man sobs, good only in theory. At first, it might work, but when the tantrums get into the habit, out of pity and not a trace remains.
It is not necessary to arrange a one actor over and without. I repeat: if you want something from us to achieve - just say so.
19. To sort things out for no reason
It is not necessary to play homebrew psychologist and try to pull out of the men recognized that it was he who loves you for that, that he is not satisfied in your relationship. If you honestly say, it is likely that you will not like the answer. Sovret - so why did you ask?
In general, the best way to ruin any relationship - to give them too much attention.
20. "I'm a girl"
Obviously, this phrase - the universal excuse for all occasions, even if the girl is already under thirty. Does she? Nope.
Though the girl, even though the boy - first of all, you are an adult, able to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Behave differently simply dishonest.
And about male habits, which bring women to a white heat, you can learn from this article.
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