allows you to create a group chat in seconds
Relations Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Problems with communication services for not - social networks, "ICQ", fashion like messengers WhatsApp or LINE, Chat sites and more. But how to put together a few people away from technology, registered in different networks and using different mobile phones to virtual negotiations. Our hero does so with a bang! [Talk · eeo] It allows you to specify a name for your new chat, and then invite him in so many participants as needed via Twitter or by simply sending a link that you create yourself. We have created a test for chat In these chat rooms is not the main or moderator and he belongs to no one. But each panelist can drown out any other member or several pesky people - just click on the name.
Of course, this work replai like Twitter and the one to whom you are responsible, will get a notification. By the way, Mac OSX, I was offered through the Safari browser to display the notification in the system tray - very convenient.
Ate you want to create a secret chat, simply attribute the URL and more difficult to personally invite everyone in the mail, SMS or other private channels of communication.
And yes, works great on mobile. I checked on the iPhone - perfect!