Tidy your professional network before searching for a new job
Relations Forming / / December 19, 2019
If you are not satisfied with their current job (for example, it looks like something like), Then it's time to start looking for a new employer. But do you want to publish your resume on the classic job sites? If you cancel a pro, it is best to try to talk about their plans for the people of your professional network. But here is not so simple - as soon as you kopnete LinkedIn, or other network used by you, you will realize that your network is not very suitable, not too clean, not too appropriate.
Reasons why your Network does not work
1. Most of the people in your network - your colleagues from previous jobs.
2. You did not try and did not want to meet new people (like this).
3. Anyone you have never provided a favor and did not help. You no one should.
4. Remember the letters that you have ignored and forgotten? Believe me, "they" do not forget.
5. No one knows what in fact you engaged in your work and that exactly the meaning of your post.
How to fix it
Simple answer: To meet people that can help you in the next 6 months, and not those of the buyout you need immediate assistance. As Wayne Gretzky said, "Run to where the puck will be, not to where it is now."
1. Do not drink coffee alone, ever. It is impossible to meet in the morning, do it in the afternoon.
2. Meet different people, do not limit your industry.
3. Answer all emails that are stuck in your Inbox. Offer to help themselves.
4. Freshen communication with people with whom you have not seen.
5. Be persistent. Do this daily. The fact that it is a bit tedious, but worth every second on this networking.