Top articles in 2017 about the relationship according to Layfhakera
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Properly developed relations with loved ones, family and colleagues - the key to a happy life. Layfhaker article recalls that help to understand themselves and others better understand.
6 ways to recognize the energy vampire and does not fall under its influence
Energy vampires - people who are trying to use your emotions for his own benefit. They are quite common, and protect yourself from them is very difficult. But it is possible. How exactly - see this article.
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7 surprising conclusions that I made 10 years after the wedding
The courses for the newlyweds do not talk about it, and it would be necessary. It turns out there is scary after the wedding! Read what our author understood, celebrated the first anniversary of the marital.
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6 types of toxic parents and how to behave with them
Many adults suffer from constant feelings of guilt, realize that their parents were toxic. The article tells how to survive with relatives, poison your life.
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12 signs of unhealthy and painful relations
"Endure - slyubitsya" - the motto of those who strongly mired in destructive ways. They do not bring happiness - only pain and despair. Read how to recognize such relationships and what to do.
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How do you know that you have a low level of emotional intelligence, and what to do
Emotional intelligence - an important factor in the ability to build relationships with others. Layfhaker understands how to check your level of EQ, and how to develop it if it is low.
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5 things that every father should teach his daughter
Writer, psychologist, author of the "Lexicon" Nikita Zamehovsky-Megalokardi revealed the secrets of education of their daughters.
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How to communicate with relatives, if you do not like
Family is known to be not selected. And because communication with those among them who you use, unnerving or annoying - great art.
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A simple rule of 1 second will make you more popular and respected
Very simple, but effective life hacking that will help to radically change the view of your interlocutor. Read and apply.
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Cheat Sheet: how to communicate with people with disabilities
Excellent advice from the participants of the project inclusive Everland, people with disabilities - Roman Akinina designer, psychologist Tatiana Redin copywriter and Alexandra Kozhevnikova.
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10 psychological tricks that will appeal to people
Become everyone's favorite, it turns out, it is not so difficult: you need only follow the advice, which are described in this article. Scientists experimentally found that it attracts us to others.
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