How to make Skype more private
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Skype - it's so old and familiar instant messenger, which is perceived by many of us as something natural. It is likely that in those days, when you set and tuned Statement Skype, all this modern hysteria about privacy was not. Simply put, you have on hand can be a personal Skype-account configured in such a way that completely any contact can learn about you something, what you do not disclose now would want.
Together, let us once more go over all Skype settings and make sure that the public information in it It meets our criteria for accessibility, and other settings are set so that the communication was possible comfortable.
We're not talking about an American spy, night after night reading our incredible secret correspondence, because MS user agreement says openly that a correspondence has access to individuals with the appropriate officials functions.
Now we are talking about the usual interaction with others, excessive attention that maybe you do not really need.
Skype is quite flexible in terms of privacy to the user level, and allows you to literally go deep underground.
The first and absolutely captain's function is known to 99.9% of users - change of status. If you and your interlocutors accept the rules of etiquette on the basis of the status, the installation of red in the icon "Do not disturb ", in theory, should protect you from untimely chats and phone calls at times when you do not want or can not communicate. Unfortunately, many people ignore the status and desperate to peck at any time, should they only see you on the web. In such cases, it helps the status "Invisible". You stay in touch, but for others - you're offline.
It is understood the difference between the status of "Invisible" and "Offline" - in the second case, you really go out to the offline and lose the ability to send and receive messages.
All other options are available via Skype single menu Tools -> Options. We come here and step test every fad.
Main -> General Settings. There is interesting (and extremely important) point Indicate contact details in their profiles. In fact, it's the same profile information, go to which is possible through a click on your name in the upper left corner of the interface.
Additionally, press the button View full profile and opens before us a long list with the entered contact data about yourself.
Sly Skype is designed so that does not offer the same privacy settings for each of the items. For example, your email, we can hide, but provide a telephone number in any case, will be visible list of your contacts. Decide for yourself whether all your contacts from Skype to know your cell phone and work number.
Similarly, think about other data - many of them can be removed by simply erasing all of the input fields and clicking on the check box, and other reposition in status Confidentially. The screenshot is presented almost as much as possible hidden from other eyes Profile option. From which you can contemplate only my avatar, Skype and login name.
TIP: do not use Web version profile settings, as there are some data can not be deleted (marked with a red exclamation point), but through the Windows-client, these fields can be easily removed.
Come on. video settings contain one very important point, allowing the client Skype automatically receive video calls and rassharivat screen to any caller or someone from the contact list. Do I need it? I think I'll decide whether I himself to take a call, especially with the video.
Security. So we got to the substantive section privacy settings.
Resolution on the dial It is given to me only my contacts - first left personalities invited to get approval to add to your contact list. This is due to the fact that my work is very rare chat with some new people, and because of the inconvenience of such a restriction is not felt. Automatic reception of video calls We have already set up a little higher.
take chats - another thing. This method of identification and direct way to add to contacts, and subsequent to phone. Let write everything.
Record history. It all depends, rather, on the scenario, use the computer and access to the account at all. Often I get through Skype some information demanded in the future, but I forget to save once, and then I have to look for it in the history of communications. In addition, the access to my account, there is only me, no one (except Microsoft) will not read my correspondence, so let history be written. In your case, assess the likelihood of third-party access to your correspondence and the effects they have received the information.
Hide my online status online. This function is needed for those who use Skype as a tool (for example, the owner of an online store). I have Skype API, which is allow you to embed the contact form directly on the website, which allows visitors to see your online status and to communicate with you in one click.
Allow Cookies in your browser, Skype - another way to collect your data and cram especially personalized advertising banners. It is necessary to you?
Simply enable targeted advertising ... well, you understand. Why do you personalized ads? It is distracting.
TIP: once we delve into the settings, it is necessary to simultaneously disable the nasty advertising in the lower left corner of messenger. Come in Notifications -> Notifications and messagesThen remove the checkbox from step Promotions. Hateful banners lacking in abundance.
MORE TIP: Here in subparagraph notification settings should put a checkbox in the options Do not show notifications at the time of video messages or screen demonstration. So you keep the secret content of messages from other contacts that at this time you write.
Calls -> Call settings. We have already set up the reception of calls, but in this section, there is one option is extended, is responsible for automatic acceptance of incoming calls. Most likely, you will want to remove this option, as well as auto-broadcast video during the call.
Calls -> Video Settings - here the eye again comes across the item avtoprioma video, but it we have already set.
Chat and SMS -> IM settings. Here, in addition to the already pre-configured options, there is a very interesting item called Show that I type - when you scribble letters on the keyboard, the caller sees the appropriate icon in the chat window. In other words, how would you tell about the intention to send something more before written text and decide whether to send it... and interlocutor already knows and is waiting for the message.
Advanced -> Advanced Settings. Here is the last interesting point to us, called Manage other programs to Skype.
Make sure that this list is not something which you are not allowed access to Skype.
In this Skype privacy setting can be considered completed. Now that you know which of personal data available to your contacts and to outsiders, you know, that does not appear before suddenly call the person in some very indecent kind, and generally better control their presence in this popular messenger. Perhaps we have missed some important point? Share your tips in the comments.