Why do not need to send a negative email
Relations / / December 19, 2019
David Spinks - a wonderful man. Feast project, whose co-founder he is committed to help busy people to instill and develop the habit and the ability to cook a useful homemade food for themselves and their families. Today, however, it goes on the course begins cook.
E-mail is still the most popular way of communication, and today we offer you the thoughts of David on why any email sent negative - is meaningless nonsense.
I learned a lot of things that contribute to the establishment of good communication in business. I also know about the things that provoke anger, cause drama and lead to failure.
For all of these situations applies the same philosophy, and this philosophy fully proved their worth for me personally - more than one job, for several years, when dealing with very different people.
Negative emotions in emails - is that always will turn bad for you. Never try to put a negative in the text. For such situations there is voice communication and personal communication "face to face". I made this mistake many times (and continue to be committed), and saw other people doing the same thing.
Every time I sent a negative letter I regretted his act. Each received a negative letter caused me stress.
The reason is not that these letters emotional. It seems to me, to share emotions, positive and negative, when close work with other people - this is perfectly normal. Here are just e-mail in this case is not suitable.
In this case, you need to clearly distinguish between constructive criticism and personal negativity. If you are sending a negative feedback, making it without emotion, just with a call to become better, to improve, then all is well. But once in a text start to seep emotions - remove them from the letter.
This article is based solely on my personal experience, and, perhaps, someone these thoughts seem wrong, but if you look at the problem as me, these thoughts are definitely worth it to them publish.
So why an email with a negative emotional tone is a bad idea.
1. Tone, body language, eye contact
Were these words written with sarcasm, with anger or sadness? I have no idea. But that's it, I arranged so that will assume the worst. This text is for me full of rage, anger and disgust.
No matter how full your text looks like, how many smiles there and what they are - the perception of the destination of your emotions are out of your control. You have absolutely no idea how to be interpreted invested your emotions in the text, and easily can understand you correctly.
2. The war without winners
Boxing Pen - it is always cruel :) You can catch on any word opponent. Out of context phrases and expressions, for a long time to think about them and 17 times to re-read your response before sending.
This is not a conversation, it's a battle. You're just trying to argue with each other and prove their case, instead of having to go to a mutual understanding and to move on.
I can not speak for others, but when I got emotional email, I hung up on them, and on my reply to such letters, trying to capture every word written by the sender.
Result: all out the losers, the problem is not solved, relationships ruined.
3. Ready, set, wait
Feature email adresses that the time between the answers can be very large. In contrast to the conversation when you personally standing before each other, to discuss the problem, the message in the mail may just lie in your email box and quietly rot there.
When I get an emotional letter, I'm waiting. It so happens that the wait has been delayed for a few days before I can talk to someone in person. All this time I received the text sits in my mind, I periodically ponder it, I try to understand the thoughts and motives of the person who wrote it, and what I do at all with his negativity. It's really depressing.
Such a passive form of communication is perfect for the coordination and exchange of information, but not the emotions - to hold their personal conversation.
4. psihanul
Most emotional letter written on emotions. In this state, we are able to say and do, we strongly regret anything.
Calm down and give yourself time to think before the wave of emotion swept give hasty response.
What can replace the emotional email
So, you are literally bursting with the desire to respond with emotion to emotion, and need something to replace the likely textual drama. What to do?
1. Offer to talk
When I want to send an email emotional, I write it, and saved in the drafts. But I do not post. Instead, I'm writing a letter in the style: "I have an idea, we will call?". Then I arrange the date and time for conversation.
When someone sends me an emotional letter, I just write in reply: "Let's talk about it on Skype."
These simple steps allow me to be reasonable. I have successfully maintained good relations with other people.
2. Everything has its time
We have a good practice on the organization of special sessions to express emotions. Each week, we take time to talk to each other. We share thoughts, feelings, fears, unrest, discontent. We go anywhere in the country, to the park, away from the computer, take the tea and just talk. Thus we relieve ourselves from ourselves the reasons that may be sent to these negative email.
During these spiritual gatherings you additionally get a good vision of yourself from the outside, you see the company's prospects. Most of determining decisions taken concerning the Feast, were done during these conversations.
3. Write, but do not send
A friend of mine always does during anger attacks. He wrote a letter, but does not send it. In the process of the transfer of negative emotions in the text it becomes easier. Along the way, he begins to think over the situation, and it always comes to a conscious understanding of why this letter to be deleted.
I did exactly the same. Sometimes I wrote letters to people in his personal diary, and I felt much better.
However, if you have no other choice but to send an email, then submit. Still, it's better than keeping feelings inside. But if there is even a remote chance to talk about the problem personally, continue to wait for the right moment and decide the issue constructively.