How to recognize false business partner
Work And Study Relations / / December 19, 2019
Very interesting article appeared in Forbes on how to detect lies in business communication.
Former FBI special agent and vytor book "louder than words" Joe Navarro explains how to spot a liar. There are three stages of communication when you can do it when he first hears your voice when adjusts to it and when responding.
1. Truthful people are more likely will answer questions, keeping straight, with your head held. Liars is "often bend, crossed his legs and hands"Says Joseph Buckley, president of John E. Reid and Associates, a training techniques of interrogation of employees power structures.
2. To psychologically distance themselves from the lies, deceivers are often flavored pronouns their stories the second and third person - "you", "you", "they".
3. Speaking the truth, we accompany their speech gestures, which falls rhythmically on our words and reinforces the sense - unless, of course, we believe in him. In the opposite case, we derzhim gestures under control.
4. Skillful liar in this not catch, but the ordinary people often
fidgets, lying. Issue a writer can shifty eyes, higher than usual voice, flushed face, heavy breathing.5. Liars often ask again interlocutor and precede their answers introductory words "to tell the truth," "honest"Warns Buckley. Wary if a direct question you get an evasive answer.
6. On the phone people lie more often. Exploring in the week 30 students College, Hancock found that the phone has become the most common instrument of deception (37%). He was followed personal interviews (27%), instant messengers (21%) and emails (14%). It's not so surprising: most telephone calls do not leave traces, and letters preserved by the recipient.
7. Liar may give enough thought out story. Suspecting fraud, carefully ask details.
8. According to a study conducted in 2002 Robin Likli, a professor at Edinburgh University, pauses between words in a false story more thanThan truthful.
9. Own a lie makes you feel uncomfortable and even angry. According to Buckley, "while true person is usually involved in the story, open and sincere, a liar often wary, is closed and is not going to contact».
10. Telling stories, honest people can remember of loss of detail and add it after the fact. Or again retell inaccurately narrated episode. Liars, according to DePaulo, "fear that they're caught in a lie, and avoid even recognize trifling inaccuracies».
11. "Take care deviations from the usual manner of speech- suggests Paul Ekman, professor emeritus at the University of California Medical School in San Francisco and CEO Paul Ekman Group, conducting emotional training. - Some people always have been slow with the next phrase. If they start chattering - a sign of falsehood. "
12. Speaking the truth is using a lot of facial muscles, and a liar smiles with his lips - eyes do not reflect his emotions.