Fotonablyudeniya as a way of understanding the world
Relations Motivation / / December 19, 2019
It is difficult to find someone who did not have the camera - it is in the form of a separate, sometimes steep devaysa, and is built into a mobile phone. However, not many of us can boast of those who use the existing camera on a hundred percent. But never mind, we will help you fix it.
The camera is not just a device that allows you to take pictures of their beautiful pussycat, is a powerful tool for understanding the world. For sure every day you notice dozens of times around itself a lot of interesting things, pointed to myself "hmm, entertaining," and passed on. This is not entirely correct - to squeeze out of interesting things around the maximum, inspire themselves and inspire others. And the camera - your indispensable assistant.
Teach yourself to a simple rule: see something interesting - photograph it. No matter what it is - a beautiful tree, a curious situation in life on the street, a colleague, a person sleeping on the keyboard, an unusual moment in the train or traveling. Understand - another chance to capture it will not! As an amateur photographer, I have hundreds, thousands of times reproached himself for having passed interesting shots and did not make it. Do not repeat my mistakes. I saw an interesting, got the camera, removed, look at the result: if the work - go on, did not work - reshoot (if available). And there are no excuses!
Case for the iPhone "Grandma", Cologne supermarket
Share your photo note. If you're shooting on your mobile device - upload photos to Twitter, blog, or Instagram (If you are using iPhones). Photos dilute your good communication flow and bring you new friends and followers.
Feel free to share your notes with others. Many of today's photojournalists and documentary photographers began with simple pictures of things of interest to them. And I know a man who always carry with them a sleek digital "soap-box" and then issued a real photo album of their observations and notes.
Save and organize your photo note. Every day (or every week, depending on your fotoplodovitosti) upload photos to the separate folder, named for the date of the snapshot. If something needs to be correct - do it. Choose the best shot of the day (or week) and place it in the daddy "Best." Nice to save your photo note in the Internet photo albums, such as in Flickr. There for each photo can be saved tags, descriptions, and specify the location where it was made.
Daddy "better" then nice to show others use the blog and review itself - a concentrated inspiration, harvesting at the time when the "not rushing."
Look for new places or invent itself the subject of mobile fotokollektsionirovaniya. I, for example, a long time photographing the various "emergency" signs - the fleeing men, and fire extinguishers. Some people take pictures of people sleeping in the truck, some - funny signs and price tags. For mogih photography has become a real hobby!
Just try to get through the week in the active mode of photographing interesting things - and you will see how interesting and exciting! You press photographer himself, Bild-editor and a glossy magazine, all friends - your enthusiastic and inspired readers and the world around you - an inexhaustible field for fotonablyudeny!