The whole truth about introverts and extroverts
Relations / / December 19, 2019
In 1921, Carl Gustav Jung introduced the concept of psychological types. Since then, people are wondering who are they - introverts or extroverts, and scientists are trying to figure out who's smarter. Layfhaker decided to dot the "i" in the question of introversion and extroversion.
Who are introverts?
Introvert - a man whose energy is directed inward. He was not bored with yourself. He is calm and judicious, attentive to detail and careful decisions.Introverts sometimes seem bleak, closed and completely antisocial. But at heart they paws. Just social contacts take their energy.
The inner circle introvert - two or three people. Terse with strangers, he is ready to spend hours discussing topics of interest to those whom he loves.
Loneliness for the introvert - a lack of involvement in someone's life. He can be alone even in a crowd. with night favorite book or contemplative walk - that's the best way to rejuvenate an introvert.
Who are the extroverts?
Extrovert - a man whose energy is directed at the outside world. He is sociable, open and active. On all looks with optimism. Not afraid to take initiative and be a leader.Because of impulsivity extroverts sometimes seem phony. But do not confuse emotion with the surface.
Extroverts draw energy to communicate. Loneliness for extrovert - when not a soul around, no one to exchange a word. They have a lot of friends and acquaintances.
Extraverts fun. In order not to get caught up in the routine and kindle the inner flame, they go to a club or summoned guests.
And then Carl Gustav Jung?
In 1921 he published a book of Carl Gustav Jung's "Psychological Types". In it he introduced the concept of extraversion and introversion. Jung saw extroverts and introverts through the prism of the dominant mental function - thinking or feeling, a feeling or intuition.By the fundamental work of Carl Jung has been accessed and treated until now, many scientists. Ekstravertivny-introvertiveness typology was the basis of the theory of Myers-Briggs personality model called "Big Five" and the 16-factor questionnaire Raymond Cattell.
In the 1960s, the idea of Jung caught the British psychologist Hans Eysenck. He interpreted extroversion and introversion through the processes of excitation and inhibition. Introverts uncomfortable in a noisy crowded places, because their brains process more information per unit of time.
Introverts are really smarter?
They are trying to find out a lot of psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists around the world. So far without success. But the more research is carried out, the more obvious it becomes that brain extroverts and introverts works differently.demarcation line - dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain and is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction. during the scientific experiment it was found that extroverts in a state of excitement there is a strong activity in the area of the tonsils and the nucleus accumbens. The first is responsible for the process of emotional stimulation, and the core of the system is part of the dopamine (the pleasure center).
Extroverts and introverts dopamine is produced the same way, but the reward system responds to it differently. Do extroverts process stimuli processing takes less time. They are less sensitive to dopamine. To get your "dose of happiness", they need him with adrenaline.
Introverts, on the other hand, are too sensitive to dopamine. Incentives have held a long and difficult path to the areas of the brain. In their system, the promotion of the main role is played by a different neurotransmitter - acetylcholine. It helps to reflect, to concentrate on the task at hand, to work productively for a long time and feel good at the time of the internal dialogue.
How do you know who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?
To determine the type commonly used by Jung Gray Tests - Wheelwright and questionnaire "Jung types Index» (JTI). Psychologists also used Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. At the household level it is possible to pass more simple test or to analyze their behavior.Are you an introvert, if | You are an extrovert if |
I do not fit into any one nor the other. Who am I?
According to Carl Jung, introversion and extroversion in its pure form does not exist. "Such a person would be in a lunatic asylum", - he said. With him According to the author of the popular book "Introverts. How to use the features of their character"Susan Kane.In every man there are features of extrovert and introvert. Signs or other may predominate, depending on age, environment, and even mood.
People who are most of the time are in the middle of the scale of introversion - extraversion, called ambivertami (or diavertami).
Ambiverty are not the instigators, but can enthusiastically participate in what they like. Activity is replaced by passivity and vice versa: the company's soul can easily become shy meek. In some situations ambiverty unrestrained talk, in other words one must pull ticks. Sometimes they work well in a team, but some prefer to solve the problem alone.
How to interact introverts and extroverts?
The first step to effective interaction - respect for the individual characteristics.If your friend is an introvert | If your friend is an extrovert |