View as the strongest tool of indoctrination
Relations / / December 19, 2019
A look at gender relations
Opinion is of great importance in intersexual communication. Many women claim that falling in love with a man after the first eye contact. If a man can withstand persistent view women, expressing their determination in him, in the future she will unconsciously communicating to show more respect for him.
Women look at a man - initial testing his masculinity.
Quickly look away in such a situation, embarrassed - means to admit defeat. However, women also need to be confident enough in their abilities to decide on such a test.
If you like the man looked away, keep looking at him. If after that he again looks at you, it is a sure sign of sympathy. If the smile appears on his face - can no doubt start a conversation.
What a sight it accidental, and what - a conscious challenge? Average time of eye contact, after which there is a natural diversion eye two people, no more than 2-3 seconds. If a person looks at you longer, he probably has interest in you.
Looking to the struggle for leadership
Look - the most powerful non-verbal mode of action. He can subdue the man and ask the nature of your further communication. However, whether it can be called a weapon - so that we can consciously use for their own purposes? Can the will of man to break the instinctive urge to look away under persistent and unyielding gaze?
In nature, the male will have the strongest and most durable look. Often, you can see how a large-sized animal, locked eyes with less dimensional representative of his own kind, turns away as if giving and obeying that. body size, muscle mass, jaw size and other features, of course, affect the nekrovoprolitnoe definition of a dominant male. However, this is not enough.
Look - that's a sure sign of real strength, vital energy, the ability to fight to the end, ready to die in battle.
The man - a social being, therefore, affect not only natural factors on it. This morality and ethics, and social status. So, long look in culture may simply be regarded as misconduct, and that is why we will have to appear shy desire to look away. However, the main factor affecting the resistance of view, is the will. This is something that can make your eyes strong psychological weapon.
The importance of visual contact
How else can we think affects the communication? In psychology, the following facts:
- People watching the eye during conversation, perceived as more honest and open.
- Lack of eye contact in the dialogue read by us as a lack of interest.
- During public speaking a good speaker always looks around the audience, to establish eye contact with anyone. So it seems we are more convincing.
- Eye contact when meeting is very important. Open and good-natured look at 30% of the primary forms of human attitude.
- Rapid retraction of sight while acquaintances read as netvordost character and willingness to obey.
These facts should be one: the ability to hold a willful look at the eyes of another person makes the image looking stronger, powerful and influential.
However, these rules can not be considered universal. Much depends on the nature of sight, and the person. Someone thinks long look manifestation of incivility, someone will start to get angry, some are scared.
Please observe the balance of humility and perseverance in the view corresponding to the specific situation of communication with man.
The main thing - not to provoke a defensive or negative reaction. Subjugate his human eyes the will can command respect and demonstrating a strong character, and not aggression. Opinion should be calm, watchful, without a hint of pretense and shamelessness.
Train view
Is it possible to develop a strong look? One that subdues and commands respect? The Web is full of dubious exercise scrutiny like a candle flame and circles on a paper. But look - it's an extension of your internal state, and it will certainly be different in sparring with a piece of paper and a real person.
Japanese shogun Yoritomo Tashi, who had an exceptional influence on peopleAll exercises to strengthen the view will be meaningless if at the time of their execution, you can not focus your mind on one subject. How do you want to influence others, if you can not even affect you?
Resistance sight - a measure of the strength of your will and thoughts. To take thoughts under control and increase the concentration, there is one proven exercise. Slowly count from one to ten, pausing between words. If even one thought will distract you from the process - to start again. Every day try to increase the duration of the account for a couple of units. Besides, by a variety of techniques meditation.
Once you have achieved some success in controlling thoughts, try to practice on humans. Choose from the face of the crowd, which indicate weak character less than yours. Try to keep their view, keeping in mind only one idea, that blocks your desire to turn away. "I was uncomfortable," "what an awkward situation," "This is so stupid" - all these ideas just do not have to go up to your consciousness.
When that is mastered, begin to be selective about the thoughts you hold down during the match. It should not just hide your psychological weakness, but also give strength to your look.
Concentrate on the desire to subjugate, to show the power, authoritativeness.
Development of a confident look - not an easy task, but to cope with it, you will see how quickly change relevant to you from others.