7 practical tips on how to get along with someone else's child
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Imagine that you are in a situation where you are asked to look after a neighbor's child while the parents had gone away on urgent business. Or you come to visit, and while the hostess in the kitchen, your task - to entertain the child. Or maybe your job involves contact with children - frequent or not (for example, an educator or a hairdresser).
How will you establish contact with the child in these situations?
We have prepared a list of practical tips to help you quickly find a common language with the child. These tips are for those who do not have professional experience working with children. And the word "children" in the increasingly mean preschool children.
1. Treat the child as an ordinary person, just a little
Perhaps the most important piece of advice, which lies at the origins of the other tips in this article.
Note that the people who are most successful in establishing contact with children (I watched it on the teachers example, doctors, trainers, with whom contact my child), chatting quietly with them in a balanced, normal tone of voice telling them complicated things. These people from the outset perceive the child as a complete human being, only make allowances for the fact that he is still small. This approach captivates children.
You can take this strategy on arms and stop lisp with children, if this is not the babies. Keep them meaningful dialogue, not only in terms of "adult - adult," and from the perspective of "the child - the child." Please note that children are always easy to find a common language with each other, difficulty comes when we grow up. Therefore, the "lower" themselves to a time before the child's level. This means that you should not open to doubt, if you hear statements like: "Yesterday a huge plane flew into our garden." Instead, develop a conversation: "Really? You want to tell me about it? ".
2. Drop down to the child's eye level
When we come with the child to engage in a children's club, a teacher always bends or squats to greet or ask something in the child. According to her, it helps her to move away from the pattern of communication "Adult - Child" and demonstrate their respect and equality. Judging by how well it turns out to establish contact with the children, it's good advice.
3. Do not praise the child directly
If you want the meeting to make a compliment to the child, emphasizing his clothes or on the subject, which he holds in his hands. When strangers touch something personal, they run the risk of making the child even more shy.
All that is required at the first meeting - it relieve the tension that occurs in the child in contact with a stranger. For example, you can build a dialogue follows:
- Wow, what's your beautiful truck! Perhaps he carries the sand to the construction site.
So you change the view of a child on the toy, instead of frightening stranger faces. This trick will help buy time so that the child used to your voice.
Or, that can help one more trick. If you see in the clothing or in the hands of a child's character from the movie, which is familiar to both of you, it's a great excuse to start a conversation.
- Wow, this Fixiki? - You ask.
- Fixiki - meets a child after a brief pause.
- What's the name of this Fixiki? - you develop a dialogue.
The subject of public interest - it is always a good reason to find common ground as adults and children.
Or another way that uses our grandfather, when guests come my friends with their children. He intentionally include a mistake in what he says about this:
- What you have beautiful yellow sandals - he says to the child.
- They're blue, - he replied.
- Similarly, blue. I lost my glasses, but without seeing bad. You did not see them?
- They're on your nose - with a smile the child responds.
After the joke kids easily go with them on contact.
4. Child to express emotions on his face
You can often find a situation where people are laughing when the child cries, in an attempt to cheer him up. What's really going on? The child was crying even louder, falling more in despair, seems to say: "Why does not anyone understand me?".
The next time you meet a child upset, try to make a sad face and sympathize. In most cases, it helps, and the kid goes easily on contact.
5. Talk about his things and toys
If you are at home in a child interested in his toys and books: "Do you like to read? What is your favorite book? Could you show it?".
This trick works well not only with children but also with adults, because we all love the increased interest to the person.
Or, if you need something to occupy baby, while his parents were gone away, a great way - to offer to paint. And if suddenly the child finds it too boring activity, ask them to draw with his eyes closed. And then together to guess what he painted.
6. Be your children
The best way to get along with the kids - it will give to a child who lives within you.
Be your children around you. Accept their rules, but do not impose your own. Play those games that they want to play. Talk to them about what they are interested in listening. Read the books that they like.
7. Versatile way to get along with children in all situations
There is one trick that works almost always and with all the children. Surely you've seen it used by other adults and perhaps themselves to use it.
Close your eyes with his hands. Keep them there for a while. Then slowly open your fingers and look at the child. Smile on his face will appear. After several repetitions of laughter and joy will fill your baby.
This list can not be complete without your participation. If you have something to add, write it in the comments below.