10 things you can not talk to your loved one
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Stop put ultimatums, let alone the past and forget, finally, about the former.
1. It's all your fault (s)!
The flow of charges does not bring benefit to you or your partner. Even if a loved one is really to blame for the current situation. Be smarter and not add fuel to the fire. Better later, when passions subside, talk quietly and find out who is to blame and what to do.
2. But (s) he always did (a) it is for me
Never, remember, never in the conversation do not mention the former. Neither good nor evil - not at all.
We partner may ask the question: Do they have ended relationshipIf you continue to constantly remember them? Endless comparisons with someone "ideal" (actually not) will drive a loved one in the complexes and neuroses. And this, according to you, love?
If you still want to change the behavior of a partner, try a more civilized methods, such talk heart to heart or soft persuasion.
3. More stupidity in my life heard of (a)
If you enter into relationships consciously, you probably imagine the intellectual level of the partner. So do not scorn or mockingly spoke of his ridiculous - exclusively on your mind - ideas and thoughts. Only this will lead to the fact that a loved one will become isolated, will go into himself and does stop with you something to share.
You can tactfully and delicately point partner the illogic of thought, and in response to a joke you heard back in elementary school, just enough to smile. After all, how could a man trying to make you happy.
4. Nothing you can do normal
Such things do not pronounce aloud. And about yourself, try not to think so. Give thanks for trying to, praise for their efforts. And if something does not work - it does not matter, together you can find a way out of the situation and solve the problem.
What you more: peace in the family or perfect bolted shelf in the kitchen?
And if you knew in advance that the partner can not cope with the case, what was assigned to him? The failure is humiliating for both of you.
5. And I said (a)
It is generally beyond good and evil.
Do not turn into an evil monster and forget about the existence of this sentence forever. You are so important to show his innocence, and be the one who will say the last word? Nothing good is you will not believe me.
To err is human, and does not make mistakes only one who does nothing.
Allow your partner to make mistakes and learn from them the right lessons. Your task - to support and love, and not to expose and celebrate. Smile and tell your loved one that the next time he is required to do it.
6. If you loved me (a), you would never ...
Put ultimatums and conditions - demeaning and dishonest. Do not handle loved one and do not put it in front of a choice: to you or something else. Constant pressure on the partner lead to an explosion. Man vzbryknot and will send you to hell.
Try to find a compromise and consider the needs and desires of the second half. After you enjoy when people respect your needs?
7. Do not wear it
Come to terms with other people's wardrobe is not easy.
However, you'll have to do it or find ways to soft impact in order to preserve the relationship. For example, a T-shirt worn husband may suddenly disappear from the Cabinet, and its place will be a stylish new dress. Women are even simpler: enough to go to your favorite shop and give the go-ahead (and money) to buy only what you like.
In any case, always explain your position and strive for compromise. I do not like too short skirts? Let's wife wears them at home or in any one day of the week.
8. And my mother did differently
This is an option for men. Do not try to blurt this, especially if the lover is not in the best frame of mind. Otherwise the risk to hear the advice to collect things and immediately sent to live with her mother. This dead-end development of relations.
Wife or girlfriend will never be the same as your mother.
This simply is not necessary. It is better to gently teach his wife "mother's" recipes and show how used to iron a shirt. That is the way they used to be stroked mom.
9. In bed you complete zero
If yesterday's passionate lover exhausted, do not rush to throw in the face of angry accusations and claim the African passion here and now. The situations are different, and people corny could be exhausted at work. Not bad, and take a critical look at ourselves from the outside. Perhaps we should pull up the figure to get rid of the beer belly or buy sexy underwear.
If you originally knew about low sexual temperament of the second half, do not say that to enter into relations with hope and thoughts of "appetite comes during meal time." You can try to - politely and unobtrusively - to stir up a loved one and show him new aspects of sex. But to force, coerce and insulting - way to rupture.
10. In your family some losers
Family - is sacred. Even if the partner does not get tired watering native mud, you do so is strictly prohibited. You become part of a family with tense relationsSo much wiser and safer to just stick to neutrality. And in any case do not allow themselves to be drawn into the undercover games. For you, they will come out sideways as relatives in any case, to support each other. There is nothing that makes unite former enemies, as a new common enemy.
And what phrases annoy you? Share in the comments.
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