How to be a good friend when you're busy
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Remember how you were friends in their youth? Do not spill water! But then, as often happens, almost all of your time begins to take Job, Family, children... Hundreds of large and small problems and concerns you have bred with a man who was so dear. Stop! It's time to stop it, because, losing touch with old friends, we greatly impoverish our lives.
To some it may seem inappropriate and even selfish to spend time comrades, taking it from families and work. But several studies have shown that friends are very important to our emotional and physical well-being. How to keep a friendly relationship, although employment?
1. Organize big meetings
Oddly enough, sometimes a big company to come together even easier than meet eye to eye. Similar meetings are planned in advance and prepare for a long time. The very process of preparation will have a great reason to keep in touch with friends. At these events you can come to family members who are also involved in communication. Even if you are transported back a hundred times a meeting place, and the original amount of wishing will meet barely half, still it will be fine.
2. meet regularly
Plan and organize a single event can be difficult. Much easier to give regular meetings, which have become part of the life routine. For example, it is possible to walk together in a club with the same interests: Book, tea, cutting and sewing. A great occasion for regular meetings - sports, and they strengthen the friendship and health. In our country, it is popular as fishing, though ambivalent attitude towards it. Well, the most famous example of regular meetings on the TV show on the eve of each New Year. However, the editorial staff recommends Layfhakera not exactly follow it.
3. call
Cell phones have all or almost all. Call even in another city worth a bit. But we must understand that your friend has his own busy life, often proceeds in a different time zone. If he suddenly did not answer the call, it does not mean that he does not care. If such calls will be regular, it will significantly increase the chance to talk a little longer. Get into the habit of calling your friends once a week at a certain time, and they will look forward to that call, and if he suddenly did not take place - call themselves.
4. Write ...
... letter, we would say before. But now a friendly chat by mail, e-even, does not look too comfortable. Write a message in SMS or messenger - some short text, just to remind yourself and your friendship. Mobile instant messengers and the ubiquity of the Internet has made the process of text communication like never quick and easy. WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Telegram and a host of other options - which just no napridumyvali people to communicate with each other. So communicate with your friends.
5. use social networks
By messengers gradually move to the topic of social networks. On the one hand, this is a very convenient way to keep in touch with old friends and mere acquaintances. On the other - social networks blur the concept of friendship itself, there is a risk to replace the live chat comments on social networks, sharing Like and repost. Remember, social networking - an addition to personal meetings, rather than replacing them.
6. Appreciate your friends
We are not in vain in the beginning of the article recalled the saying of old and new friends. The rapid pace of modern life, when you are dealing every day with a lot of different people, old friends become even more valuable. Meet new people - it's fine, it's a new experience, new experiences, new perspectives. But for them it is not necessary upstage his old friends, the time-tested and turmoil. As a rule, it is better to maintain the already established strong relationships, than to build new ones.
Remember that not every friendship It can and should continue, "until death do us part." But if those friends you have, you are very lucky! Take care of these relationships, keep them. After all, friendship can mean for your career or family is much more than you think. In an emergency, an old boyfriend or girlfriend will be the first (and maybe only), who will come to your aid.
Certainly, and you have one or two good old friend with whom you are friends for a long time. Tell me, how do you manage to make time for them?