8 questions that will help determine whether you have a happy relationship
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Ask yourself these questions to see if something changed in the relationship go.
1. How you spend your time?
In a healthy relationship, people have personal time they spend apart from each other and dedicate to friends, rest and own hobbies. A relationship in which people are together day and night, can not be called healthy. In their partners are too dependent on each other and do not develop.
2. Who's in charge?
The good relationship is not important. Both partners are equal. If one of them is dominant, it negatively affects both the relationships and the mental state of both.
3. How do you resolve conflicts?
The spores are in a healthy relationship to their development, are solved through productive dialogue and eventually help partners understand each other better.
If any disagreement leads to scandalIn a relationship need to change something. Try to discuss it with your partner. Endless quarrels definitely not lead to anything good.
4. Did you change?
A good indication that you are in a healthy relationship, - constant development. Partners learn from each other and change together. If it does not, you like your relationship is doomed to stagnation and degradation.
5. Are your views converge?
you can build a long term relationship if both partners share similar beliefs and points of view on matters of principle. If disagreements arise, they can find a compromise.
6. Do you trust each other?
Achieve unconditional trust is difficult, but it is to this we should strive, if you need a stable relationship. With partner, who does not trust you, watching every step and read personal correspondence, it is better to leave.
7. How do you feel about the success of each other?
In a normal relationship partners happy with the achievements of each other and do not envy, if one something turns out better.
8. Whether you want to change each other?
To build a good relationship, it is important to take a partner for who he is. If you constantly want something to change in accordance with his views, you probably just need another person.
See also:
- 14 signs of a strong and healthy relationship →
- 7 signs that your relationship has a future →
- 12 signs of unhealthy and painful relations →