12 signs of unhealthy and painful relations
Relations / / December 19, 2019
Signs of an unhealthy relationship
1. Partner constantly competing with you
For unknown reasons, your companion constantly compares himself to you and wants to show that he is in everything better and cooler. Often, such a demonstration takes place in public, and every you said the word becomes a hook for a fierce dispute. Your partner is using every opportunity to assert themselves at your expense and devalue your accomplishments.
In healthy relationships, both partners cultivate and develop harmoniously. In unhealthy relationships you are perceived as a rival, which in any way have to overcome to get the palm.
2. You feel as if one of you sucked all the energy
Relationships affect our health and well-being. If you started to sleep less, lost weight or gained weight, and constantly felt like a squeezed lemon, perhaps you are near energetic vampire.
Such people are fed at the expense of other people's energy and rejoice every time take other people's strength. In such a relationship you do not physically have the resources, energy and desire to do something. You covered apathy, and come to the fore its own inadequacy and depression.
3. You always blame all the deadly sins
In an unhealthy relationship partner does not see the causes of the problems and failures in their actions and always inclined to carry the blame on others, especially on you. You find fault in everything, including his mistakes and do not depend on you things.
Your only task - to take a punch and not enrage partner, warning his frequent outbursts of anger. Sometimes you want to escape from it and stay away from his companion.
4. You want to constantly change and improve
Do not forget that mature and strong relationships based on acceptance of the partner as he or she is. In unhealthy relationships you compare with others, while you talk openly and politely hinted that you would do well to change something in yourself to get better.
You might want to lose weight or getting fat, cut or grow hair, or change the image to throw half the wardrobe. You always something lacking to you partner was completely satisfied.
5. Partner says only about themselves
Your companion is not able to sympathize and empathize with others. These people with problems emotional intelligence and empathy. Partner is not able to put yourself in the other person, and he did not set itself such a task, because it considers itself the center of the universe. He constantly talks about himself? It seems you are near a model narcissus.
Daffodils passionate and so self-absorbed that he did not notice what is happening around. As a rule, people talk a lot about themselves and often interrupt others, do not ask any questions and, in principle, do not listen. Needs, desires, and feelings of a man are always more important than yours, because in their view of the world everything should revolve around their person.
6. All your actions are criticized
Everything you do or say, a priori bad. No matter how you try, your companion will always find a reason to complain and criticize you and your thoughts. Cooked omelette is too salty, and the dress is too short.
You will always be wrong. Justify or prove the opposite does not make sense - still there are new reasons for dissatisfaction. No evidence and arguments will not help - such a person hears only himself.
7. Partner controls all your actions
Your companion is literally obsessed with the desire to subjugate the rest of your life. He will certainly need to know where and with whom you are, what you eat and what to wear today. Even if you encounter a pregnant girlfriend, you should definitely call and offer to pick up early.
Sometimes such control can be taken care of, but in fact your partner feel the master of your life. People who are healthy and harmonious relationship, understand that having their lives and interests outside the relationship - it is normal and even helpful for couples.
8. You are jealous of everyone and everything
Sometimes jealousy - a pleasant feeling. We are all a little flattered that we please someone else, and we are jealous (meaning love). But the main thing in all - measure. Some people turn into a tyrant, trying to completely subjugate the second half and perceive it as a property. Sometimes it comes to public humiliation to the showdown.
Partner does not trust you, read all your messages and scandals due harmless correspondences to Facebook. Jealous see treason in everything and can easily be brought to hysterics with questions. Stupid, terrorizing jealousy inevitably destroys your self-esteem, you begin to fear the wrath of your partner.
9. Partner constantly offended
Your life is not devoid of drama, and all your actions to tears hurt your partner: it blows, leaves, shows how bad you have done, and shows how much you hurt his feelings. After this you feel bad man, a cruel monster and your companion is enjoying a scandal.
Any attempt to talk ends with a new offense and accusation of lack of understanding and you have emotional intelligence. It is possible that your partner deliberately uses such tactics to manipulate your feelings of guilt.
10. Partner has not learned to speak your love language
Often people misunderstand the needs of the partner. First, there is nothing wrong: It is possible to catch up, if want. Learn to speak the same language of love You can and should be. Problems arise if did not understand for a long time partner what you like and what you really need to love for you, not him.
Psychologists are five love languages: words of encouragement, time, gifts, help, touch. We all need each other different. It is important to understand the language of love says your companion. Imagine that your love language - time. Sadly, if the partner does not understand and tries to atone for his absence in your life presents.
11. You are too different biorhythms
You have not managed to find common ground and agree on when to go to bed and what time to get up. Your partner lives, while you sleep, and vice versa. As a result, you get frustrated and upset when your companion all night playing computer games, but slept through your only exit.
In a healthy relationship manages to find a balance and to change habits, to both feel comfortable. The unhealthy ways it becomes a cause for mutual frustration.
12. You are no longer to have sex
Since human nature is difficult to argue: physical proximity and regular sex life - an essential attribute of a healthy and strong relationship.
If your relationship no intimacy and tactile contact is reduced to a minimum, it indicates serious problems in the couple's life.
What to do if you see these signs in their relations
At least it is an occasion to reflect and to blow the whistle. Recognition of the problem - the first step towards its solution. If you would like to partner behaved differently, talk to him heart to heart, and ozvuchte problem. Communication is needed to resolve conflicts in a relationship.
Remember that people do not change on their own initiative - a meaningless exercise. If the person himself wants to change and work together to find a way out of the situation, this relationship still has a chance. Otherwise it is better finish painful relationships and give yourself time to recover.