How to respond to criticism: tips from Lesi Ryabtseva
Relations / / December 19, 2019
The experience of the person who has experienced that this universal condemnation, and learned to ignore someone else's negativity.
Les Riabtseva
Journalist, blogger. Profile on Facebook.
Who are the haters?
It is important to remember that negativschiki, they also Hayter - a separate category of citizens who live at the expense of other critics. Can you imagine all those people who have the time and energy to print here these millions of negative comments? Most often it is a notorious or not very confident people who have a lot of free time and a little personal affairs.
Why do they do it?
Banal "when discussing means envy" works. Remember that attention to your person - rather a plus than a minus. If you notice, it means you are doing something important. Most of us live in a very narrow part of comfort, limiting yourself and your imagination, not allowing himself to do what you want. It is logical that in our nature to criticize those who are different from us even own freedom and flight of ideas.
And the rest of it?
Implemented successful and happy people do not live someone else's life, it its enough. Hayter - a minority, but a noisy minority, so it seems as if all around you, there are only these. But if you look closely, you realize that most do not think about you at all, did not even know about your existence. Most people think about themselves.
How to live with it?
The best part of dealing with haters - this is an opportunity not to communicate with them. reduce the flow negativity and concentrate on the positive. Narrow your social circle, find true friends. They do not necessarily have to be a lot, but these 2-3 people are always able to support you.
So, what is next?
Feature criticism from the comments of other people's opinions can isolate something useful. Perhaps for not very pleasant form of hiding good advice. In this case, do not take the advice to heart, take it objectively, without emotion. Your business - it's not yourself. A tip - it is an opportunity, a free lesson, focus group.