6 excuses that prevent us from learning
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Sofia Tehazheva
Head of back-end development in the Faculty "Yandex. workshop».
Education can be a turning point not only in their careers, but also in life: following the course and improve skill people often moving into position, up the guts to leave the unloved work or even change the scope activity. In spite of this, we tend to procrastinate, to postpone his studies "for another year or two," and some never dare to take a step toward change.
We understand what excuses we often use to dodge the new knowledge, what fears are behind this and what to do to overcome them.
1. I have no time to study
We are afraid that the study will make our already intense rhythm of life unbearable. We all have a job, many - family, some - a hobby. Where to build more and study? In fact time there willIf what we are doing is really important for us.
Behind this pretense often hides a deep fear of not cope. We are not afraid to live up to expectations, to take up the new venture, and not to bring it to the end, to show poor results, thus revealing their shortcomings or failure.
What to do
- To begin with clearly answer yourself the question: why do you need a study and that it will give you?
- Specify the final goal. The preferred and most effective way to do this in the system SMART: target It should be specific (specific), measurable (measurable), achievable (achievable), significant (relevant) and bounded in time (time-bound). For example: I want to get a frontend-developer position with a salary of $ 2000 to December 2019.
- Make sure that it is you want, not your spouse, or mother, or does not work. Zamotiviruyte themselves, inspired by, and then the time to study will find much easier.
2. It is unlikely that training somehow help my career
Usually so say those who had once tried to learn, put a lot of effort and money, but did not get the results you want and disappointed. Now it seems that it will happen again: the efforts will not pay off and help careers, only to leave behind a bitter dissatisfaction.
What to do
Carefully choose the place where the will to learn. In the market there are a lot of educational products, the value of which is at issue: they are usually inexpensive, but knowledge as such do not give. At the output of the students do not get nothing but "scabs" who not particularly need employer.
Before you choose a place of study, read reviews, talk to alumni, faculty and study program. And remember that the secret of success - it's your strong determination and motivation. Without it, no training will not help.
3. Learn too expensive
Education, many still associate only with universities and training - the second highest. We still tend to give undue weight to the diploma. Although there are many ways to gain knowledge outside the university, we believe that good education can only be given in a prestigious Moscow university studies in which costs only your annual earnings.
What to do
Again, it all depends on the purpose: sometimes it makes sense to get a second degree (for example, if you have a lifetime We worked as a programmer and then suddenly decided to become a psychologist), but very often sufficient short courses. Knowledge became available, to learn something can be free. But if intrinsic motivation is weak, even the most expensive learning does not give the desired results. So you should start with this:
- Once again, make sure that the desire to learn comes from within, not imposed from outside.
- Understand how much money you are willing to invest in education so that it does not hit the other spheres of life.
- Having defined the amount, market study and find a suitable offer.
4. I have enough knowledge
We can be very difficult to recognize their shortcomings. Just the very awareness that we are not perfect, effortless. It is much easier to entertain the illusion that all is well, and so, and so I know everything, I'm almost 40 years, I have led the department, what more to learn? People are afraid to go out of your comfort zone and damage your sense of security, to admit that some areas of their lives to date. We fear to studyBecause it is a means to make mistakes, and for many there is nothing worse.
What to do
- Understand that if you're going to learn, it does not mean that you are a bad employee who is something I do not know. This indicates that you want to develop and improve, enhance their professional self-esteem and opportunities to expand horizons.
- To start training with the knowledge that mistakes are made not terrible, but it is necessary: a guarantee of growth and its main symptom.
- Tune in to enjoy the process and do not blame yourself if you do not get everything right the first time.
5. I do not know which direction to choose teaching
It happens this way: there is a desire to change something, but it is not clear what. The current work has ceased to meet, and in general scope, it seems not the same. Go to another company? Change profession? Or just relax and inspiration will come back? With this it is important to understand before you begin to learn, otherwise there is a risk to choose the wrong vector.
What to do
Think about whether you like what you are doing now? You feel satisfied at the end of the working day or hate the whole world? Do you deliver the joy of your success, whether you manifest in the work of the personal qualities? If the answer is "yes", then most likely, you are out of place and develop further makes sense on the same vector. If the answer is "no", you should probably change something. How to find a matter of life - this is the theme for a separate articleBut to begin with you can watch as you fill your free time, when there is no work and other mandatory training. This may be the key to unraveling.
6. Study - not for me. It's complicated and boring
As a rule, this pretense of hiding unwillingness to take on large and complex task. This fear is inherent in many and quite understandable, especially if it is not clear what it will lead the training. And yet we are strong in the memories of the years in high school when I had to be dragged there with a heavy briefcase in any weather and in that whatever the cost to serve a six-boring lessons.
What to do
Try. And make sure that the study in adulthood It is fundamentally different from the format that was in my childhood. In addition to the knowledge that will help to advance in your career, it is also a cool opportunity to meet new friends and useful contacts.
see also📚
- How to motivate a child to study
- How to change the profession, if university education was not helpful
- Something to learn today to succeed in 2050