10 free online courses on Coursera, you will be able to take place in August
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Bibliologist Rubakin Nicholas said: "All true education is obtained only through self-education." Coursera portal once again ready to provide you a free opportunity to get a "real education". In August, offers courses in physics, history, finance and other disciplines. For details see below.
Start of the course: August 1, 2014
Course duration: 4 weeks
Organizer: University of California at San Diego
Tongue: English
Why a study is given easily, and the other does not help even cramming? It turns out to learn well, you must first learn how to learn (pardon the tautology). From this course you will learn how to different types of thinking affect the process of learning new knowledge, what is the fundamental difference between working memory of the long-term. In addition, you will learn about the various models of training and will be able to find the one that will be effective for you. After this training you will be able to master even the most complex discipline in Coursera (and not only ...).
Start of the course: August 4, 2014
Course duration: 6 weeks
Organizer: University of London
Tongue: English
This would be the normal course of history if not for the fact that instead of textbooks, which, as we know, are subjective, here used as a primary source of film and pictorial review. Camera - an objective witness to the dramatic events of the twentieth century. This course will address the issues of fraud and the "retouching" of history by documentary photography and kinosvidetelstv, as well as the role of photojournalism in the light of epochal events.
Start of the course: August 4, 2014
Course duration: 5 weeks
Organizer: University of California, Irvine
Tongue: English
You want to manage their lives as effectively as a businessman with an MBA degree? Then sign up for this course. You will learn to create a personal budget, save and invest in promising projects. In addition, you will learn the value of time (the main resource of the business person) and will be able to dispose of it more effectively. It is noteworthy that the 5-week course does not require prior preparation and is suitable even for pupils and students.
Start of the course: August 5, 2014
Course duration: 7 weeks
Organizer: University of Tokyo
Tongue: English
Interactive computer graphics - one of the most rapidly developing areas of information technology. University of Tokyo professor Takeo Igarashi will introduce you to two and three-dimensional graphics, animation, and CAD system. The theoretical part of the course is designed for seven weeks (five 10–15-minute lessons a week), but completed it can be considered only after you write a program that implements one of the studied interactive systems.
Start of the course: August 10, 2014
Course duration: 20 weeks
Organizer: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tongue: English
2 million years ago, a small humanoid creature occupied territory, and their impact on the world was greater than that of the gorilla or, for example, zebras. Today man - the crown of evolution. It is no exaggeration to say that it belongs to the world of people - from our behavior depends on the future of the entire planet. From this course you will learn how people have conquered Earth, they changed it and its image. But most importantly, along with other students, you try to find an answer to the question: why, having reached such a technological and industrial progress, we are not much happier than our ancestors?
Start of the course: August 11, 2014
Course duration: 6 weeks
Organizer: University of Virginia
Tongue: English
If physics at school you seemed incredibly boring and useless items, try to take this course. It is so clear and accessible explain the basic physical laws that understands even a 7 year old child. The peculiarity of this course and that it is flexible: you can study materials at your own pace (at least three days, at least three months; usual load - six weeks). In addition, the description says that part of the learning materials supported by subtitles in 13 languages, including Russian.
Start of the course: August 18, 2014
Course duration: 5 weeks
Organizer: Johns Hopkins University
Tongue: English
The generation of baby boomers - people born in 1940–1960. This time is characterized by a surge in the birth rate (hence the name). Baby Boomers have made the world as we know it: they brought the western culture of freedom, including in relation to alcohol, drugs and sex. But the problem is that the baby boomers have aged (he is now on average under 60), and the effects of alcohol and drugs are a public health problem. What to do in this situation, tell this course.
Start of the course: August 20, 2014
Course duration: 8 weeks
Organizer: University of Florida
Tongue: English
How much are the money? Why do we need a budget? What you need to know about credit and insurance? Why it is important to draw up a financial plan? Answers to these and other questions you will get if you will walk the course at the University of Florida, dedicated to personal and family financial planning. Perhaps it will help you solve your money problems and gain greater financial independence.
Start of the course: August 25, 2014
Course duration: 12 weeks
Organizer: Duke University
Tongue: English
I love to argue? Then this course is for you, because he learned to do it properly. How to analyze and evaluate the arguments of opponents? How to nominate own? What communication skills will be useful in the conduct of the debate? Professor of practical ethics Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and philosophy professor Ram Neta help you find answers to these questions.
Start of the course: August 25, 2014
Course duration: 8 weeks
Organizer: State University of Australia (University of New South Wales)
Tongue: English
Mechanics - the doctrine of the movement and interaction of physical bodies. It is an important component of physics and other technical science. The study of the mechanics to better understand the physical phenomena of both domestic and global scale (celestial mechanics). Education involves viewing video experiences, fascinating lectures and own experimental research students.
Want more disciplines in August? Take a look at the website Coursera and select "Courses".