If my memory serves me correctly, the multiplication table up to 5 inclusive was given quite easily. But here is multiplied by 6, 7, 8 and 9, there were some difficulties. If I knew this trick before, homework is done would be at least twice as fast;)
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Multiplication by 6, 7 and 8
Turn the palm of the hand to him and assign each finger numbers from 6 to 10 starting with the little finger.
Now try to multiply, such as 7x8. To do this, connect №7 finger on his left hand with the finger on the right №8.
Now consider the fingers: the number of fingers under the link - it's dozens.
(Clickable image)
And the fingers of his left hand, left top, multiplied by the fingers of the right - this will be our unit (3x2 = 6). Result is 56.
Sometimes it happens that when multiplied by "units" the result is greater than 9. In such cases plyusovat both results in a column.
For example, 7h6. In this case, it turns out that the "units" are 12 (3x4). The scores 3 are equal.
3 (tens)
12 (units)
Multiplication by 9
Again, turn the brush with his hands to himself, but now numbering the fingers will go in order from left to right, ie from 1 to 10.
Now multiply, such as 2x9. Everything that goes up to the finger №2 - tens (ie, 1 in this case). And all that remains after the finger №2 - units (ie, 8). As a result, we get 18.