About how milkmaid Dunya was to success
Work And Study Forming / / December 19, 2019
Work - the sea. Serious results, changes in life - zero. Every year - the same thing. Unless you have grown old.
This article about a simple system that is guaranteed to allow you to achieve significant results. A load and stress on the contrary reduced.
It's not a miracle. This technique is used by millions of people in the United States. It is amazing that in Russia about it and never heard.
And yes - the system try on my friend milkmaid. Read what came out of it!
You can set a bad question?
What you have achieved in 2013?
I am sure that 95% of readers have not achieved anything. ZERO!
At the same time, I also believe that the same 95% - hard-working bees, which are injected from morning till evening. And over the weekend still manage to slip away from their families to work.
Work - the sea. Serious results, changes in life - zero. Every year - the same thing. Unless you have grown old.
This article about a simple system that guaranteed It will allow you to achieve significant results. A load and stress, on the contrary, reduced.
It's not a miracle. This technique is used by millions of people in the United States. It is amazing that in Russia about it and never heard.
And, yes - the system try on my friend milkmaid. Read what came out of it!
Meet! Agile Results - personal performance system, invented by JD Meyer, manager of Microsoft's. This system is very popular in the West.
Agile Results - it's easy!
Here is a summary:
- At the beginning of the year, select 3 big goals for the year
- At the beginning of the month - 3 tasks for the month
- At the beginning of the week - 3 tasks for the week
- At the beginning of the day - 3 tasks for the day
Uh... Is that all?
But this simplicity is genius, and the popularity of this system. All of these levels (year, month, week, day) are associated with each other.
Agile Results - is a trick!
Putting the problem in the day, you are reconciled with the objectives for the year, month and week. Thus, you can always "see the forest for the trees." Nowhere do not fold. Not distracted by nonsense or routine.
ambitious Dunja
I'll try to illustrate with an example.
We have Dunya. Young entrepreneurs in rural areas.
Her goals for the year You could be the following:
- To Bob's husband quit drinking
- Buy a horse
- Lose Weight 15 kg
Accordingly, the tasks for the January are as follows:
- Read 3 books about alcoholism
- Save 10,000 rubles
- Lose Weight 2 kg
Challenges for the week:
- Read the book "Easy way to quit drinking"
- Sell the old phone, skis and moonshine on Avito
- Spin hoop 20 hours
Objectives for the first day new life:
- Read the 50 pages of the book
- Sign up to Avito
- Buy a hoop in the regional center
You see how everything is connected?
And when a cow to milk?
Hello, of course, engage in great deeds, but when will carry out routine?
The whole routine - after.
We follow the 3 main business of the day - go down the list and do the rest. In any case, the day is lived not in vain. Dunya closer to your goals.
No, well, if the cow has to Dunya pouted state football, of course, you have to drop everything and run to milk the cows. Force majeure and urgent business has not been canceled. But at the first opportunity - again back to our 3 main tasks of the day.
In order to become flexible, Duns still twist and twirl the hoop, but its Agile Results system is very flexible. Actually, "the Agile" and translates as "flexible."
Flexibility - the main value of AR.
Nobody says that Dunya this year everything goes like clockwork.
For example, Bob may not want to throw a drink. Then Duns have invited a sorcerer to attend lessons or hypnosis, in the end, to change her husband.
Or, for example, a diameter of the hoop may be in store. And Dunya turned his attention to run or sit on the potato diet.
Yes, you never know what else will change ?!
But now Dunya for the routine of rural life will not forget about what it should do. It will adapt. It will change the goal for the day, week and month to achieve the same goals for the year.
At the end of each section to stop and analyze:
- What has been done and how cool it is to repeat
- Where mistakes have been made and what to do, so they do not recur
Remarkably, if you will all burn.
GTD + Agile Results
You know what I like Agile Results? The fact that it's cool complements any system of time management.
For example, the popular GTD (my favorite).
And many complain that GTD is too fixated on the tasks and would like to reach large PURPOSE.
No problems! I easily embedded into your Agile Results GTD. Simply marks three important events of the day with an asterisk, and tune so that they appear at the top:
In this semi-humorous article, I just wanted to introduce you to the Agile Results system. Of course, it is a little deeper and a little more complicated than I've described.
I recommend read the original book "30 Days of achievement" in Russian.
No, I do not recommend. Nudnovato. Better read some compilation.
Enough to poke his nose, like blind kittens!
How nice to know that your every day is filled with meaning.
Each case is associated with something important.
Nice to achieve the goals.
Go ahead and write down 3 goals for the day!
It's simple.
Write in the comments!
Objectives Dunya you already know. What kind of goals you have set for this year?
Will you use Agile Results system?