As for 2 months to learn a foreign language
Forming / / December 19, 2019
How much time is necessary in order to speak a foreign language? It turns out that when the competent organization of the process and the right motivation to do it is quite possible for only two months.
How it all began
When you started to study any foreign language? For example, I remember my first courses in English even in second grade. These were the classes with a strict teacher of serious textbooks. After they were still dozens of attempts. Despite his love for the English language, it is normal to talk to him I was able only at the university. The process of learning has turned out long enough. It seemed that with another language will be the same story - the years of torment and dozens of different courses. But in reality, everything was much simpler.
Last year I was going on a trip to Italy and 2 months before the trip decided to learn the language. In addition, without paid courses and trainers. At that moment, this idea is very inspired me, and I started for its implementation.
What came out of it
In preparation, I came across this video "Polyglot", which consists of 16 lessons with a very efficient (at least for me) learning system. After watching the first one (it lasted 40 minutes), I was able to tell about themselves in the language, which until then was a complete zero. The results stunned me. I was determined to continue to deal with every day.
Constructing a process of self-education, after 2 months I was able to talk with the Italians in their native language. Of course, complex dialogs yet have not the strength, but I could easily be attributed to local, ask for advice and ask for directions in those moments when we lost. And this despite the fact that the learning process was simple enough: most of all, I was engaged in the transport, sometimes at home, enjoying the process. I spend about an hour a day. And all this without the monetary costs and tens of course!
Now I want to point out, in my opinion, the most important points that should take into account when training.
How to build a language learning process
- Think "hour H" - a specific date by which you must achieve tangible results. This can be a trip, as in my case, or other event. If the deadline to a specific date is not likely that all initiatives come to naught.
- Fall in love. In language, country atmosphere. Call an interest and inspiration to the subject, it will help create internal motivation.
- Do not learn the words. Learn phrases and whole sentences. Only this training method will give visible results in the short term. Memorize words in the context of a lot easier, and at the beginning of the main thing - to understand the structure and language-specific. A similar scheme was used in "Polyglot".
- Choose a user-friendly format of training. Decide what you like: video, audio or text materials. What is more like it, and use. If you want to alternate, do it.
- Talk with each other. How loud or to yourself. Practice pronunciation, try speaking the names of objects that surround you, trying to build simple sentences.
- Engage in "the way." Do not look for what you will have free time for individual activities. Use of any spare moment, for example, train, transport, like me. Otherwise it will be very difficult to build up a regular process.
- Teach only what is interesting. Choose the topics that most inspire you. Culture, art, sports, food, people - it should start with what is most interesting. Less exciting topics, you can skip back to him in the second half of training.
What is the goal, so is the result
At the very beginning of the learning it is very important to define your goal: what you take to learn a foreign language and what level you want to achieve now. So, a few months after the trip most of my knowledge "Move to archive", because the continuation of training after the trip was not followed. But initially I did not set out to thoroughly learn the language. I wanted to get the basic skills and immerse themselves in the environment. But even now I know that everything I learned quickly enough to return to the surface, if you'll get back training. I will be much easier. The main thing - to define a new "time B".
Language discord?
Undoubtedly, Italian fairly simple to learn, and it may seem that a more difficult language, this will not work. In fact, a key role is played not by the complexity of the subject, and intrinsic motivation and human training method. You might as well learn to speak foreign in RussianWhich is one of the most difficult in the world. I personally know of three Sri Lankans, who, after two months of training were able to communicate with Russian-speaking travelers. Some of them went to the courses, while others worked independently. One can envy their perseverance and determination, as well as to reflect on the personal experiment. I hope that my experience will be useful to someone else.
And what methods for learning a foreign language you're using?