10 appearances at TED, which can be viewed in 5 minutes
Forming / / December 19, 2019
To see this collection does not take long. The book contains the most concise presentation at the conference. You make sure to talk about the important things can be even five minutes.
1. How to Succeed
Analyst Richard John spent more than 500 interviews with people who have achieved heights in their profession. For three minutes he spoke about the results of his seven-year research and compiled a list of the qualities that you must possess in order to come to success.
2. How to move more
Modern people are sitting at 9.3 hours a day, and sleep only 7. How much lack of exercise is harmful to health, to explain too. Nilofer Merchant offers to do the following: when you are summoned to a meeting, do not go to the cafe, and a walk. This simple action will change your life.
3. As fresh air
Researcher Kamal Mittl talks about three ordinary house plantsThat will make the indoor air is much cleaner and fresher, and you - healthier and more productive.
4. How to give up meat
Do vegetarians have a lot of advantages in terms of environment, health, treatment of animals, saving. But to decide on such a lifestyle is not everyone's strength. Graham Hill offers a compromise: to be a vegetarian on weekdays.
5. How to express themselves through dance
Dance - a way to tell the world that we speak the same language, we exist, we are free. Choreographer Camille Brown tells and shows how the dancing, on the one hand, help to keep in touch with their history and roots, and on the other - blur the distinction between different social groups.
6. How to conduct archaeological excavations from space
Sarah Parkak engaged in space archeology. she is looking for traces of the lost civilizations of satellite data.
7. Like love letters help to survive hard times
To get out deep depressionHannah Brencher started writing love letters and send them to strangers. Her initiative resulted in an interesting project "The world needs more love letters." Such messages help do not give up and do not be discouraged for those who need the most support.
8. How to react to the negative in my address
From this presentation you will learn what emotional correctness. Political expert Sally Kohn believes that we should restrain in disputed situations and try to imagine yourself in the place of another person. Only in this way we learn to listen to each other.
9. As armed groups enlist popular support
With TV screens, we hear about how the armed groups around the world are doing terrible things - riots, looting and violence. But political analyst Benedetta Berti tells us that the secret of their power and influence is not the point. To establish stronger links with the population, they are investing in social services, build schools and hospitals, are doing business.
10. How to make a tractor with his hands
Farmer and technologist Marcin Jakubowski explains how he and his followers manage to change the world for the better. They opened the original drawings of 50 agricultural machinery, of which everyone will be able to collect on their own equipment.