10 free online courses that can be written next week
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Learn to draw sketches and grow vegetables on the windowsill, learn new Excel chips and find out more about trends SEO-copywriting.
1. Internet business
start the course: April 16, 2018.
course duration: 5 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Organizer: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in collaboration with the Foundation for the development of Internet initiatives.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free without a certificate.
Restarting the popular course of business of the XXI century. Sign up, even if you are carrying the dream of a startup, but you want to understand how to make money online. You will learn the basic concepts of business and will learn a lot of cases from practice.
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2. Practice management analytics in Excel
start the course: April 16, 2018.
course duration: 4 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Organizer: Saint-Petersburg State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free without a certificate.
Microsoft Excel provides a tremendous opportunity for analysis, Including in management accounting. The course - a godsend for managers and accountants. You will learn to create analytical reports and simulate the behavior of indicators using Excel tools.
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3. Trends SEO-copywriting in 2018
Date and time of employment: April 18, 2018 at 18:00 Moscow time.
volume1 activity.
AuthorAlexey Volkov, Head of Digital. Tools.
Tongue: Russian.
The algorithms are constantly changing the search and analytical systems. And it is important for them to adapt quickly. At this open session, you will learn how to change the approach to copywriting and placement of text, how to prepare TOR and authors how to write readable text, which would at the same time responsible SEO requirements.
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4. Understanding the Russians: the context of intercultural communication
start the course: April 16, 2018.
course duration8 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.
Tongue: English.
Is free without a certificate.
What are the basic cultural values of Russia? As shown in our language the mysterious Russian soul? As during intercourse Russians read cultural codes? Answers to these and many other questions will give the professor of philology World Bergelson.
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5. Trans-Siberian journey
start the course: April 2018.
The volume of the course7 modules.
AuthorsAnna Glotov, Natalia Feofanova.
Tongue: Russian.
Trans-Siberian railway connects Central Russia and the Far East. The length of the Trans-Siberian Railway - 9288 kilometers. It is the longest railway in the world. In this course, you follow the route of the train Moscow - Vladivostok and learn about the amazing history of the towns along the route.
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6. Introduction to the geology of mineral deposits
start the course: April 16, 2018.
course duration: 5 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Organizer: Saint-Petersburg State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free without a certificate.
This course will allow you to deepen your knowledge about the origin and structure of the Earth. You will learn why Siberia is rich in coal, and Urals - non-ferrous metals.
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7. Introduction to hydroponics
start the course: April 2018.
The volume of the course4 module.
Tongue: Russian.
Giperpolezny course for those who want to breed or already has garden on the windowsill. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics, look, what are hydroponic plants, and learn to work with the substrates.
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8. Egg dishes
start the course: April 2018.
The volume of the course5 modules.
Area: "Eating at home".
Author: Julia Vysotsky.
Tongue: Russian.
In this course, you are waiting for a culinary life hacking by whipping proteins and cooked hard-boiled eggs. Also, you will learn how to cook and do a magnificent omelette poached eggs.
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9. watercolor sketching
start the course: April 16, 2018.
course duration: 10 days.
Area: "In contact with".
AuthorAnya Belousov, an artist, a motion designer.
Tongue: Russian.
Add living color! With this course you will learn how to draw animals and plants, clothes and food. Video tutorials you will be sent every two days. To pass the course will need to watercolor paper, brushes and black gel pen.
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10. Basics of psychopathology
start the course: April 2018.
The volume of the course2 module.
AuthorIgnatius Zhuravlev, Ph.D., professor of Moscow State University.
Tongue: Russian.
This course will introduce you to the basics of this interesting field of clinical psychology as pathopsychology. It studies the pathological changes of the psyche. Also, be sure to check about myths about mental health and symptoms of schizophrenia.
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