"You will go in the dishwasher!" 10 phrases that are not worth talking to the child before the exam
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Maintain not by words but by actions
- Not: "We all believe in you, do not fail!"
- Yes: "Let's find you a Mathematician?"
Very heavy responsibility weighs heavily on the child and worrying. Prepare to be that their excitement and indignation in the exam address and school, he will pour out on you. Not worth further escalate the situation and to demonize the exam. Useless and immediately rush to comfort. When a child hears the house, "everything will be fine," he thinks his problem is not taken seriously. So let it be uttered, and then continue the conversation in the business, and discuss how it will solve the problems together.
2. Realistically assess the child's knowledge and preparation time
- Not: "You have a first-class one five, you hand over the exam like nothing better to do!"
- Yes: "Let's find out in advance what questions you need to work separately."
School performance says nothing about the child's readiness for the exam. On the mark in the diary, in addition to knowledge, it is influenced by many factors: the attitude of teachers, class level, as well as the ability to dodge and wriggle out of the schoolboy. To evaluate the real-world knowledge to help specialized testing.
Such a test can be passed, for example, in an online school, "Foxford". Education it starts with free introductory sessionDuring which teachers determine student knowledge and offer individual work plan.
"The beginning of the preparation for the exam should not be left to the last month, but with 6th grade bully child exam no sense. Teachers "Foxford" believe the best start of the beginning of the 10 th grade.
Teachers online school "Foxford"In 10th grade OGE has already delivered, and excitement about the future of the exam is not much pressure on the child. During the two years of study with the format of the exam student has time to get used to it and go to the exam completely ready. Start classes conveniently summer, without waiting for the school, or in October when the grader is already entered into the training track.
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3. Discuss unsuccessful outcomes exam
- Not: "Without the exam is only now in the dishwasher."
- Yes: "Let's think about what we will do if your score will be very low."
Fail the exam - means to deprive yourself of the future, to bring parents and disgrace forever. So the child sees the situation. But the high points for the exam, as well as good grades in school, do not make one any more successful or happier. Psychological health and zest for life are much more important than going to college.
Your child needs to know that badly written exam will not put an end to his dream - just to make her way to a winding. Speak aloud the fears and make a plan in case of a bad outcome: to go to college with a minimum threshold, take courses and learn a profession, to prepare better and pass the exam in a year. Help your child understand that in case of failure it will not be a failure, and family disgrace.
4. Find teachers with experience in preparing for the exam
- Not: "We will find you the very intelligent professors from prestigious university!"
- Yes: "We learn the exam scores of students learning the past, and then we'll decide."
Skills exam and good statistics - important factors when choosing a teacher. Do not hesitate to ask the teacher about the achievements of his past pupils. The school "Foxford" working teachers leading universities that are more than 7 years of preparing students to pass the exam. Their pupils in the average rentHow to learn to "Foxford". Investigation of student performance results Exam 25 points better than the other students, and enter the MIPT, the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, Bauman.
Try to communicate with the tutor in person before the start of classes, and then listen to the impressions of the child. The coolest and honored teacher can not come to him in temperament. "Foxford" offers the opportunity to change the teacher, even when the course is already underway. And if the teachers have to change very often - maybe your child just does not fit the format of the individual work.
5. Select the appropriate is your child learning format
- Not: "Well, you can only prepare individually with a tutor!"
- Yes: "Let's try to work out in a group and individually, look at the results."
If your child is shy, there is a chance that among equals in status, he revealed better than one-on-one with an adult tutor. If you like to compete - the success of other students will motivate him. Finally, some students are just interested to study in the company. Teachers from the school "Foxford" say that some students need the undivided attention of the teacher, and the other gives more group work.
Teachers online school "Foxford"students often behave more relaxed, studying with other students: they pass the fear to express their own opinion or make a mistake. But for group lessons is important that the child wanted to work, and not "lost in the crowd." Our school group lessons are top teachers of the country, who are not engaged individually in principle. If you want to learn from them - this is only possible in the group.
Choosing the right size depends on the object itself. Perhaps to prepare for an English child is more appropriate group training, and for physics - tête-à-tête.
6. Make a class accessible to a child
- Not: "This is the best coach in the city. Just think, 2 hours on the train! "
- Yes: "I appreciate your time. Find online courses or teachers who will be able to come to our home. "
It is believed that the first time the hatred of the world is born in a stuffy bus on the way to the tutor. But it is not exactly. In any case, to go to school across town - it means less rest and more tired. Of course, to choose a tutor for the fact that he lives in next door, also not worth it.
It is better to invite a teacher to engage in your home, in a familiar environment for the child. If the teacher does not work at home or classes come too expensive - consider the option of online training.
7. Find out the type of perception of the child
- Not: "To pass the exam, you have to memorize the textbook from cover to cover!"
- Yes: "There are many ways to remember the information, let's find the best for you."
Some are good at remembering information, listen to or uttering it aloud many times. Some like to record facts and formulas on sheets of notes and paste them the whole room. Many students end up imbued with the theme when it is compressed in a short items for cribs. Suggest experiment - the child will be only too happy to break away from the endless reading and try something new.
Introduce the student to skraybingom - rendering technique composite material through simple images. For example, disassemble skraybing his most favorite subject: you are reading the right material, and the child, meanwhile, draws heard on paper.
Whatever type of perception of your child, skills postponed due to repetition frequency rather than employment duration. Better than 30 minutes skraybinga under podcasts about ancient civilizations each day than a five-hour marathon of ancient history at the weekend.
8. Do not allow the situation to chance
- Not: "If my child says that all is well, then, everything is good!"
- Yes: "I want to talk with your tutor. Just to make sure that it suits you. "
The most frequent response that gives teens: "I have all the rules." Even if the lessons are not going smoothly, chances are you'll know about it immediately. At school teachers do not always have time to chat with the parents of each student, but with a tutor it is possible and necessary to establish communication. For example, arrange to call up once a week and discuss how things are going with the preparation.
Parents of pupils'Foxford"Every week to receive an email report on what topics studied child and how he coped with the task. At any time the student achievement can be found in your personal account on website.
9. Helps students cope with stress
- Not: "What can be a problem at your age!"
- Yes: "Control of emotions - a skill that can be bought."
Ask your child to help him cope with different stressful situations. When classmate refused to date, or the whole class laughed at his answer at the blackboard, which brought it to the resource state? Whatever it was - rap battles, a pet dog or my mother's cake, let it become a part of stress management during the preparation for the exam.
If students like to do with the music, do not take his headphones. studies showStudy habits and music: how they affect attention and academic performanceThat music improves productivity and helps to focus on the task.
Teach the student the simple breathing exercises to help calm a trial exam or the real exam. Before sweaty palms to undertake the tasks, even if done slowly inhale four counts and a smooth exhale. After 3-4 cycles of breathing excitement retreat.
10. Operate gadgets and online resources
- Not: "Sitting at the computer is bad, but on iPhones tupeyut children."
- Yes: "It's great, when modern technology to help in their studies."
Notebook with an even hand, and dedicated marker headlines - this is from the time when the children were playing "cops and robbers" in the yard and went to prepare for exams in the library. Now traditional methods like learning paragraphs and written exercises students seem quite boring, and therefore do not work well.
IN "Foxford"Classes are held on a special platform where students and teachers write on the whiteboard with the mouse. Successfully completed assignments are highlighted in green and the wrong - in red. For a child, it looks like the quest, which is interesting to open all levels. 98% of students online schools bring education to the end.
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