10 free online courses that can be written next week
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Russian history
Start of the course: October 29, 2018.
Course duration: 8 weeks.
Area: "Lectorium."
Organizer: Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Tongue: Russian.
Refresh your knowledge about the country's history. The course will begin with a lecture about the formation of the ancient Russian state, will continue the story of the Russian Empire and the end unit of the USSR - its origin, development and decay.
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2. bilingual brain
Course duration: 8 weeks.
Area: Soursera.
Organizer: University of Houston System.
Tongue: English with Russian subtitles.
Is free without a certificate.
As people learn immediately several languages? The teacher will talk about the latest research in this area, the nature of education, the specifics of phonetics and grammar of a second language, as well as the pros and cons of bilingualism.
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3. Big Data Analytics
Start of the course: October 29, 2018.
Course duration: 8 weeks.
Area: "Open education".
Organizer: National Research Technological University "MISA".
Tongue: Russian.
You will learn how to load data, perform processing and analysis using specialized software, learn, What is Big Data, but also try to structure and visualize live data from Twitter for analysis.
To pass the course requires basic knowledge of SQL.
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4. How to learn to count in your mind
Volume of the course: 7 modules.
Area: 4brain.
Tongue: Russian.
Verbal counting - a useful skill, because the calculator at hand is not always. Having studied the materials of the course, you will learn about the techniques of addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and squaring in mind.
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5. Watch TED Talks and teach English
Start of the course: November 1, 2018.
Volume of the course: 7 performances TED Talks.
Area: Theory & Practice.
Organizer: Skyeng English language school.
Tongue: English and Russian.
Learn English and listen to the speakers of the self-development - a double benefit. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive an email critiques movies about the struggle with fear, the power of faith, the impact of games on longevity, happiness, leadership and success.
Suitable for intermediate and advanced levels.
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6. Open week training course on 3D Artist
Start of the course: October 29, 2018 at 18:30 Moscow time.
Course duration: Week 1.
Area: Theory & Practice.
Organizer: Games.education.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free: The first week of classes.
You will learn about the profession 3D-artists, creating games, working with animation and game graphics setting. The course will be useful to anyone interested in game design.
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7. How to write a short piece of news for 10 minutes
Volume of the course: 32 lectures.
Area: Udemy.
Organizer: Dmitry Surnin editor.
Tongue: Russian.
The author tells how to see the news, where no one notices, write succinctly and quickly analyze and select sources, organize the work process and understand the reader.
Suitable for both beginners and for experienced journalists, editors, press officers or teachers.
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8. Brief History of Everything
Start of the course: Season 3 is available now.
Volume of the course: 8 seasons (50 cartoons, 50 longridov).
Area: "PostNauka".
Organizer: "PostNauka" and "Publisher Yandex".
Tongue: Russian.
The educational project of the device of the world. How did the earth, that they can bacteriaWhat makes up the cell, who was the ancestor of all living things, and many other interesting topics that appear every week.
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9. How to write a scientific article
Volume of the course: 7 modules.
Area: "Stepik".
Teacher: Mark Zaslavsky, laboratory researcher mobile robots algorithms Jetbrains Research, Assistant of the Department MOEVM ETU "LETI".
Tongue: Russian.
You know what a scientific paper, which she needs to be a structure, how to master the scientific writing style, select the edition, apply the material and to achieve its publication.
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10. Branding: How to create a logo?
Start classes: October 31, 2018 at 14:00 Moscow time.
Duration of lessons: 1 hour.
Area: "Netologiya".
Tongue: Russian.
Logo can both attract customers and scare. This is what makes your brand recognizable and distinguishes it from the rest. But not only the aesthetic component is important - you need to understand the basic concepts of branding. On this and will talk in class.
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