How to improve memory? In our time - the time of digital technology and not very healthy food, we almost forgot to remember the information. Firstly, it was much larger and not all of it is qualitative, so you have to sort it every time, filtering out unnecessary stuff. Secondly, now that each pocket has at least a mobile phone, where you can make a list the right products, to record a telephone number, to drive the desired date and time in the calendar to count on calculator. I think many people have forgotten how it is - to divide and multiply in the bar or go to the store without a list. Third, for the quality of work our brain and body as a whole needs a high-quality food. On this point, and so everything is clear.
How to improve memory? Let's start with proper nutrition, and then proceed to the memorization techniques. Scientists have found that the processes of memorizing most strongly influenced by hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Therefore it is necessary to increase the intake of iodine-containing products - seaweed and various sea products (herring, flounder, tuna, salmon, crabs, shrimp, etc.) And the fat sea fish from the salmon family in general good affects the memory is not only due to iodine, but also vitamins.
Also, in order to improve memory there are a number of specific principles and methods that will help you remember and sort information. Let us consider the most interesting:
principle SevenIf the material for more than seven parts, units - it is poorly absorbed. To facilitate the assimilation of the material, it is divided into chapters, paragraphs and paragraphs.
The principle of optimal mode40-50 minutes of exercise, and 10-15 minute break.
mental reproduction method environment: Mentally recall the place, then sounding music and lighting.
toning reception: If the information is stored poorly, you need to try to repeat it in a different way - in a singsong voice, louder, quieter, with an unusual accent. All these tones memory.
summary procedure
Using the basic conceptsIf the display and remember the basic concepts, you can restore all the text on them.
Literary device + sealing material: Write down and remember the initial letters of the words and their reduction, contains a proposal in a few words. Just remember the Institute and notes... who led them, of course.
block reception: Compile flowchart.
circuit method
Reception "hook": It is necessary to link the existing information with the new with the "hook" - meaning, consonance, color, appearance.
"City of Knowledge": You can "build" to store diverse information a city - remembering, we mentally travel through it.
Meaning "tree": The main idea - the tree trunk, and from there depart the main branch of the idea (no more than seven), followed by "branches", is also obedient to the principle sevens.
logical method
Search laws: Found in the memory material any laws - meaning, numeric, rhythmic.
Using analogies: Find what looks like an object.
Admission inference: Logical link object with known information.
The method of decoration
The picture image material: Try to draw a visual image of what it was about.
empathyMan mentally reincarnated in remembering the object.
"Smile": Look in the material something cheerful. One can find a playful comparison funny tie material elements.
And again a question for you - and how you store large blocks of information? Your favorite way?