Why our children should not learn from the great
Forming Motivation / / December 19, 2019
For me, as for many other people, studying at university I passed with firm conviction that assessment decide everything.
Teachers and parents are told that the high performance open to you the doors of this world. High score - it is the key to a successful life.
And I blindly believed their words ...
I remember a time when I was learning to bring themselves up to a half-dead state, only in order to get the highest score on the exam.
And it seemed to me that it all makes sense, but now... I would not want my child to study as hard as once his father.
It sounds strange, but now I will explain my position.
1. Nobody ever asked me about my marks
No employer was never interested in my marks at the university!
None of resume I have not met the Count, "progress", but in all, without exception, was a mandatory item - "experience."
Even more surprising is the fact that my computer skills and athletic achievements give me more "weight" when applying for a new job than five in the record book.
2. I forgot everything taught at the University of
My memory is arranged in an exceptional way, I forgot all the material immediately after the exam. When I first came to practice, I realized that, for all the years of study at the university, nothing I have not learned.
And although my assessment suggests otherwise, in my mind I was a complete mess, scraps of knowledge that I did not know how and where to apply.
As it turns out, 5 years of university studies in the fine did not give me any advantage over other "less" educated people.
Ultimately, all of the first 2 months of practice, I "picked up" more useful knowledge and gained more skills than in the previous 5 years, the pursuit of good grades.
So was it worth so tense all these years?
3. "Good grades" for my health
If someone can grasp all the "on the fly", I am not one of those people. In order to "invest" in their knowledge of the head, I had to "cram" the material by heart. Before the session I attended on 12-15 hours a day. I remember, as a "disconnected" in the vapor and in public transport, because it strongly enough sleep.
Because of the chronic fatigue decreased my productivity, knowledge of it out of his head, his hands "were not working" day passed in a blur.
Today, I am surprised his perseverance, persistence, and perseverance - through the power to force yourself to do something from which you sick. And somehow I convinced that he could not repeat the "feat" again.
4. I did not have time for other people
At the university, I had plenty of opportunities to acquire a network of useful contacts. But I did not.
Study and thought about studying takes up almost all of my time, I did not have it even on personal matters and meet with friends.
Perhaps the most valuable opportunity offered by the University, - network of acquaintances.
University - a springboard for new relationships and testing their ability to make new contacts and maintain relationships.
I noticed the following interesting fact, those people who were "the soul of the company" while studying, today well-arrange their lives. Among them there are even the chief MREO, and in fact he is only 30. And pair it, in fact, rarely went ...
If I had another chance, I would have preferred less hung up on their studies and spend more time on student movements, events, parties. A "diploma", without any regret, would trade the title of "the most sociable person."
5. Everything that brings me the money today, I learned outside the university
Effective teaching is only possible when there is interest. Modern education is the most interesting kills, scoring the head with all sorts of theoretical facts that never find their application in real life.
Sometimes, looking at the program on the Discovery Channel, I have an hour to learn about this world more than 15 years of study.
So I learned English in just 1.5 years, when I had an interest in it. Although, "trying to" teach him to 8 years in school and another 5 years at the university.
I learned how to express their thoughts on paper, not on the lessons of the Russian language, and publishing articles on his blog and websites like LifeHacker.ru
Here are the tips that I will give to his son, when he goes to school:
- The difference between 4 and 5 is so blurred that hardly seriously affect the quality of your life. But here, to learn 5, should invest much more of their time and effort. Is the game worth the candle?
- Pay your bills your skills, rather than on the assessment of a piece of paper. Gain experience and not a mark. The more you have experience in different areas, the more you stand.
- Diploma will give you tangible benefits can not be said of influential friends. Much attention is paid to new acquaintances and communicate with others, they are able to open the door in front of you all the world, but not your diploma.
- In doing so, it makes sense for you, not what others expect from you. Only interest will be possible through all your great achievements.
This article can not be completed without your participation
I raised a very serious subject and I am sure there will be people who will support me and those who do not agree with my point of view.
Therefore, let's discuss in the comments, what advice we should give to your children about modern education.