7 mistakes, because of which we lose money
Forming The Financial Environment / / December 19, 2019
1. impulsive purchases
Surely you've ever found yourself leaving the store with bags of things that you were not going to buy. Everything somehow it happened: saw, wanted, carried her to the cash register. Here trifle, a trifle there - eventually accumulates decent amount that could be spent on something useful, or just lay in the treasury.
To cope with this habit will help planning and shopping list. If you go to the supermarket for groceries for dinner, do not buy anything extra. In fact, you get the route, which is worth following in store: for example, first in the vegetable, then to the department with chilled semi-finished goods, and in the end - for dairy products. Less aimless walking - less likely to buy something unnecessary.
To avoid the temptation to leave no chance to enter the strict rule: in shops to pay cash only.
In advance, calculate how much money you need, and remove the card with that amount. If you type more than planned, it is necessary to go to the ATM again. People are by nature quite lazy, so there is every chance that you will prefer to simply put too much out of the basket.
2. overconsumption
People buy a lot more things than they really need. Practice shows that much of what we had dreamed, after the purchase is around. Bought on the occasion of the sale of the Steam game that you are unlikely to play another lipstick, you have vending beauty-blogger, but the risk of dead weight to settle down in the box with makeup - it's excesses, from which you can safely refuse.
As in the case of impulsive purchase, it is necessary to pump discipline. If something you really want, but a clear need for this is not available, take a pause for thought.
For goods worth about $ 100 enough of the day of reflection. With things that cost a few thousand, wait a little at least a week.
It is likely that by the end of this period, you will forget to think about buying that seemed almost vital.
3. Wrong approach to the accumulation of money
Even if you're determined to regularly set aside a certain amount of money-box, there is a high probability that this idea eventually fail. Keep the money in cash - not a good idea. As long as you can at any time freely to withdraw funds from the nest egg and something to spend it on a reasonable approach to the savings can be no question. In addition, by just lying there is no money sense: sooner or later, inflation podest them thoroughly.
The easiest option - to get a bank card with the interest on the balance. The Bank regularly will charge you money just for the fact that your account has a certain amount. Firstly, this is an incentive not to touch once more savings, and secondly, they gradually will grow without your participation.
4. Refusal to search for profitable options
Often, when planning the purchase, we prefer not to spend time and stop at the most convenient option. Well, you do not want to waste time - will have to spend money.
Pondering a large purchase, whether appliances or clothing that will serve you more than one season, explore all possible offers. It is not excluded that the purchase thing in the online store even with the shipping costs will be more profitable than offline. Keep track of supermarket stocks, especially when it comes to household chemical products and long-term storage.
However, it is important not to fall into the other extreme: nowhere to go across town to buy a hypermarket on the outskirts of buckwheat 20 rubles cheaper than the store at home. Calculate how much you will spend on the road. Perhaps the game would not be worth the candle.
5. Love of questionable savings
Shop owners are not shy about cashing in on our desire to save. "Buy three bottles of milk for the price of two" - like profitable, why not? If you really drink or use for cooking all this milk, then no problem. If the product is spoiled - the money thrown to the wind.
We buy food to throw it. With the same success it is possible to get out of the bag a wad of money and set fire to, get even more spectacular.
Before we conducted the alleged incredibly profitable stocks, think about it you need more goods you will get.
Not wiser to buy only as much as needed, not to wrestle with what to do with leftovers?
Another game from the evil one - the action, during which you need to collect stickers for purchases that eventually exchange them for a fee on a set of knives. Just for fun look for a similar set of the online store and compare the cost with how much you will have to leave the store to collect the required number of labels.
6. The desire for easy money
Thirst benefits completely deprives us of common sense. Abandoning reasonable investment options, we choose the risky ways, which in theory can bring a lot more money. But this is only in theory.
Internet Exchange, which is now divorced like mushrooms after the rain, vying argue that investing can be absolutely anyone. There will not argue: invest money in a dubious enterprise can really everyone is much more difficult to make anything, or at least stay even.
If you are not an expert in trading securities or cryptocurrency, soberly assess their chances of success. Most likely, they will be small.
The message is clear: do not try to win the game, the rules of which do not.
It is better to use the more conservative, but the security tool, at least the same bank deposits.
7. The low level of financial literacy
This is the most important of all the errors listed above: We just have not been taught properly handle money. We had to master the art of financial management from their mistakes, losing savings and repeatedly stepping on the same rake.
"Mistakes, because of which we are losing money, and how to avoid them" - the theme of the second public lecture in the series "The financial environment"To be held on 27 September. It's about cognitive distortions, personality characteristics and social factors that make us spend money for nothing. Associate Professor of Economics Faculty of Moscow State University, Ph.D. Anna Solodukhina, PhD in Political Science and an expert fund "Public opinion" Ludmila Presnyakov and blogger Xenia Paderin tell what mistakes we are making under pressure as the environment and affect our financial behavior of social status and attitudes to the state and trust.
The lecture will be held in the library № 67 (Moscow, Exhibition Center, Str. Argunovskaya, d. 14, p. 2) The event starts at 19:00. Entrance to the lecture series "The financial environment" is free, but seating is limited, so register in advance.
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