5 Ways to invest in yourself
Forming Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Investments in itself, according to Warren Buffet, - this is what should be engaged in all. In this case, each of us is a little investor. We've gathered tips on how to learn to invest money and time to himself, and told why it is important.
Charlie Munger - vice president of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway - once said:
Warren Buffett has become much better as an investor since the day I met him. Same as me. The secret of this is that you need to learn to 24/7, and not to think that success will come by itself.
Warren Buffett has repeatedly appeared on the pages of Layfhakera. This elderly and fantastically wealthy investor knows how to say the phrase that I want to remember. The desire to listen to the advice Buffett, however extravagant they may be, it does not seem strange to us. After all, one of the richest people on the planet can not advise anything wrong.
If you do not find fault with words, we can say that the way it is. Those tips Buffett, which do not relate to investment and finance, are simple and practical use. With them is difficult to argue, as everything he says, you know, but from the lips of this man still sounds weightier.
Warren BuffettThe most valuable asset that you have - is you. Anything that improves your talents and skills, it is necessary to do so.
In this connection the question arises: how to invest in yourself? Ways to do this a lot, and we decided to focus not only on those that lie on the surface, but also on those that at first glance, does not seem obvious.
1. Create a training plan
For a long time I used application Weekly for the implementation of the plan for each day. In my daily list was meditation, a half-hour lecture on Coursera, post something new in the notebook and reading. Of course, your daily I knew by heart, but the application is forced to act, even when it is not wanted.
Creating a curriculum - this is what you need to do in the first place. Decide what skills you want to develop, how to do it best and how much time you need to allocate a daily basis.
2. Surround yourself with more intelligent and successful people
Because of this you will sometimes feel bad because we always uncomfortable when someone from the inner circle did better than ourselves. In the long term, as it will pay off. The experience of other people will give the opportunity to grow even when you are, it would seem, simply conversing.
3. Improve communication skills
To learn something new can be from three sources: own experience of working with information and experiences of other people. Accordingly, in order to talk with successful people and learn from their experience, you need to offer something in return.
At least it should be good communication skills. The other party must be nice to talk to you. Your profession is not important - everyone should be able to competently and interesting to talk to.
4. Do not be afraid to spend money
In recent years, the reluctance of people to invest in their own education is beginning to wane. We are increasingly aware of the importance of courses, seminars and trips that can improve professional skills. Buffett, for example, advises to invest 10% of their income in their own education. What would it be: courses, books or business trip - you decide.
5. To develop not only professionally
I know I do it when work takes most of the day, not so simple. But here's a little secret:
Finding an interesting activity for yourself, you will magically be able to find time for it every day.
You may have to sleep an hour less. Perhaps not spend a lunch break and go before. But if you find something that you like, the time will be displayed, even if previously it was not.