Yesterday we talked about how foreign languages can be taught using the Internet. Among others mentioned listening to podcasts. On the same day "Magazeta" (a blog about China, Chinese language, culture and history of China, life in China) were pleased with the detailed instructions on how to use podcasting in learning the Chinese language.
Here, I'll tell you about another method, which has developed itself, to your needs and possibilities. He gives very good results, as trains almost all the "incarnation" of the language: speaking and listening, reading and writing.
So, let's begin. For the success of this technique in life, you need the following simple things: mp3-player or browser. The best thing would be such a configuration:
IPod + iTunes or any other mp3-Player supports podcasts. Just as they are processed by iTunes - takes the rss-description and attaches it to the podcast, rather than simply pumping "naked" mp3-files. This is done so that you can at any time see the text (content) of the podcast. Where can I get the iPod? You can buy it corny, but you can, like I did, to win in the international competition of blogs "The Best of Blogs".
Tips that gives Ma Yuxi versatile and will be useful no matter what language you are learning. Highly recommend.
Ma Method: Learning Chinese using podcasts [Magazeta. The mouthpiece of the Chinese Runet]