9 tricky verbs that will expose you illiterate
Forming / / December 19, 2019
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1. Naginatsya
Correctly: stoop.
This mistake is easy to understand: the words "bend" or "bend" no letters b and there is no trace. Nevertheless, an imperfect form of the verb looks that wayUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: to stoop: Stoop. Naginatsya option can also be found in dictionaries, but marked as "region". This means that the verb usedUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary Online: NAGINATSYA only in a few regions of Russia as a spokenModern Dictionary of Russian language Ephraim Naginatsya. That is, use it in a literary speech impossible.
2. shoes shoes
Correctly: wear shoes, put on one's shoes.
Remember confusion between words and dress to wear? Here the story is similar. By analogy with the widespread and erroneous "put a cap" (jeans, jacket) and we want to put on shoes. But you can put on shoesDictionary mistakes of the Russian language: shod Only someone. LiterallyUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: Shod - when we wear shoes to someone who can not handle himself, such as a child. Or figuratively - when we buy someone shoes or boots. "Dressed and shod child in the first class" - it has acquired all necessary means to him.
3. myauchit
Correctly: mew.
It is possible that word "Myauchit" want to use, by analogy with the literature and it is "legal", "whining"Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary: snivelling and "crying"Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary: CRY. And this is even a verbModern Dictionary of Russian language Ephraim myauchit in dictionaries, only it is considered part of the dialectUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: myauchit speech. Therefore, if you do not want to pass for ignorant, it is better to return to a more literary version - meowUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: meow.
- 14 pairs of verbs in which you admit mistakes
4. Narugat
Correctly: I will curse.
Better, of course, do without swearing. To the people of any age usually comes quickly said quietly, respectful tone. Therefore Layfhaker not going to criticize anyone for the wrong use of words. Just recall that the verb "narugat"Explanatory dictionary Dahl: NARUGAT is not in any dictionary, in addition to the Explanatory Dahl's dictionary. This means that the token can be considered obsolete and it is better not to use. Unless, of course, want to give the impression of a competent person.
5. Schipet
Correctly: nips.
Schipet - the word comes from the distant times of the kindergarten. That's how kids talk about oiled zelyonkoj abrasion. But adults use the word a little lateDictionary of pronunciation difficulties and stress in the modern Russian language: pinching: Form, though existing, but conversationExplanatory Dictionary Ozhegova: Tweaked. Whoever even think pinching - frost for the cheeks or goose the heel - it is the right option will "sting".
6. nalazit
Correctly: nalezaet.
If a jeans sat down after washing or not fastened after two weeks all inclusive, and I want to cry with annoyed: "Well, not nalazit!" Upset about it can be easily understood, but it is not the reason forgetDictionary of pronunciation difficulties and stress in modern Russian: nalezaet literacy. Not only that nalazit - a form of conversationUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: nalazitSo also the meaning of the word is not always associated with clothing. This verb means "scansorial, buy something nasty", in other words, "to finish badly, get into trouble."
be careful❌
- 13 verbs that we use wrong
7. vacuum
Correctly: propylesoshu, I will be vacuumed
With this verb still terribly difficult: philologists themselves can not decide how to write correctly. Some dictionaries say that it is better to say "pylesoshu"Dictionary of pronunciation difficulties and stress in modern Russian: vacuumingIn others recommendExplanatory Dictionary Ozhegova: Vacuum cleaners in principle, avoid the shapes of the first person singular. So, to certainly not be mistaken, it is advisable to say "I will be vacuumed." Add a word is easier than guessing whether you have not done a mistake.
8. will flee
Correctly: can convince
Word provocateur many philosophical discussions. As still correct: Make sure let us flee, or perhaps by convincing? But alas, all these options are incorrectDictionary mistakes of the Russian language: convince. The word "persuade", like his brother in misfortune, "win", never usedUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: CONVINCE the first person singular. We have to use synonyms:'ll win, I will prove his innocence, and so on.
9. Brush your
Correctly: brush your
What if you do not want to peel the potatoes? Instruct is a pleasant experience to someone else. But how to choose the correct form for this verb - Clean or clean? Philologists and do not completely sure of the answer: some believe that both versions are equalHandbook of spelling and style. Formation of some form of personal, The other is called a form of "clean up" the conversationUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: CLEAN or vernacularDictionary of pronunciation difficulties and stress in modern Russian: clean. So, to certainly not be mistaken, it is better to say "clean up". Or do elegant "Do not you'll be so kind as to clean the potatoes?".
see also🧐
- How to: put or lay down
- 20 words that are written correctly even literate people
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