10 buzzwords that we use wrong
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Gestalt
Wrong: I finally closed the gestalt and finished watching "Game of Thrones"!
Correctly: I have three years haunted our ugly breakup. But yesterday we finally apologized to each other, and I closed gestalt.
At some point, the phrase "close / finish gestalt" became quite fashionable. And he began to use the site and not very much. "Phew, I still made house-cleaning, closed gestalt," "write a term, will assume the gestalt is closed." But this is not quite true.
Gestalt - psychological and philosophical term which translatesEncyclopedia of Philosophy: Gestalt from German as "the image of the shape, structure." A conceptHow to complete the gestalt? unfinished gestalt came from Gestalt therapy. Therapists say so about business, relationships or processes that we could not finish properly, and now they do not give us peace. Separation, quarrel, loss, relationship problems with parents, disappointment and unfulfilled hopes - that can be attributed to the unclosed gestalt.
That is, it is something deeper and more serious than nedochitannaya book or unwashed windows. Although the line here is quite thin. If nedosmotrennaya
"Game of Thrones" no longer comes out of your head and poisons exist, perhaps it can also be considered your unfinished gestalt.2. Impartial
Wrong: I quarreled with the head, very hard-hitting situation turned out.
Correctly: I do not know which of you is right: both of you are dear to me and I can not judge impartially.
Very treacherous word. At first glance, everything is clear: we are talking about something or somebody unpleasant. But in order to understand how the actual state of affairs, it is necessary to recall the forgotten word "partiality"Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary: partialityWhich means bias, partiality to anyone. Accordingly, impartialUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: hard-hitting - "unbiased, impartial." This may be a court. Or, for example, the portrait - if he shows how a person looks really, and nothing embellishes.
3. ambitious
Wrong: She is so arrogant! Graduated with honors institute, he got a good job and probably quickly make a career.
Correctly: He is very ambitious and looking down on others, painfully perceives any failure.
The word "ambitious" - is almost a compliment in the mouths of many people. So say someone resolute, purposeful, hardworking - about who wants to achieve a lot. But if you look in the dictionary the word "ambition"Dictionary of Foreign Words Russian language: AMBITIONWe will see that the value of his little else - "selfishness, arrogance, hubris, a heightened sense of honor." There is another interpretation - "harassment places, the desire for grace and increase in rank." Perhaps it is because of him the word "ambitious" and began to describe a workaholic and careerists. Only here in the subtext of this adjective in any way negative. We can say: "He's so ambitious! For the sake of increase in everything goes. "
4. Odious
Wrong: This singer of such odious! He is very charismatic and always looks extravagant.
Correctly: Odious singer again hit the journalist during an interview.
Somehow "offensive" has become synonymous with the adjectives "charismatic", "extravagant", "well-known", "shocking." So often talk about the creative people - fashion designers, musicians and poets. But that's a word that can inadvertently hurt someone. After all, his real valueDictionary of Foreign Words Russian language: odious - "nasty, nasty, hateful." In general, a negative connotation, and the person does not become odious only what donned the red beret and tied around the neck boa. Unless, of course, these accessories do not cause you fits hatred.
5. social phobia
Wrong: He fasted terrible pictures and silent all the time. It is better to stay away from him - he suddenly social phobia.
Correctly: I have social phobia, very hard for me to leave the house and socialize with people.
social phobiaMost psychological Encyclopedia: social phobia and since you have not easy: they are afraidProblem Group for Social Phobia World Psychiatric Association, under. Ed. SA Montgomery. << >> Social phobia contact with other people - to communicate, to speak in public, and so on. And, as if that was not enough, they even occasionally labeled as aggressive, violent and potentially dangerous individuals. And the thing is that people often confuse the concepts of "social phobia" and "sociopath" - that is, one who is sick dissocial disorderSmulevich AB << >> Borderline personality disorders antisocial personality disorder personality. That it is characterized by violence, aggression, callousness and disregard for social norms.
6. frustration
Wrong: After this tragedy, he fell into complete frustration - does not get out of bed, silent all day, do not eat anything.
Correctly: I feel frustrated because I know that my dream is unattainable.
Another buzzword. It is clear that it has something to do with sadness, fatigue and negative emotions. Therefore, you want to say something like "I'm so tired to work seven days a week, I was sitting in complete frustration and do not know what to do." However, for such a case is more appropriate word "prostrationDictionary of Foreign Words Russian language: prostration"- exhaustion, apathy and oppressed condition that can occur after an illness or distress. And frustrationDictionary of Foreign Words Russian language: FRUSTRATION it is more dissatisfaction, discomfort and frustration due to the fact that the desired untrue.
7. Appeal
Wrong: Appeal to complex concepts, you first need to understand their meaning.
Correctly: The author appeals to the results of scientific studies and the opinion of authoritative experts.
The original meaning of the word "appeal" to all familiar - appeal. But sometimes confused with the verb "to operate," ie manage. Especially frequent expressions like "to appeal the terms", "appealing concepts." But it is not worth talking about. "Appeal" meansUshakov's Explanatory Dictionary: appeal "I look for someone's opinion, to appeal to anyone or anything." In other words, it is possible to appeal to the dictionary, but you can not appeal challenging words.
8. Under the auspices of
Wrong: The government has raised taxes under the auspices of the lack of money in retirement.
Correctly: Under the auspices of the government, it launched a new social program.
Periodically "sponsored" is used to mean "the pretext." Only here the "Aegis" - a magic capeAegis ANCIENT GREEK DRESS Greek god Zeus. According to legend, she had a protective effect, and therefore be "under the auspices" meansPhrasebook Russian literary language: Under the auspices of "Are protected under the protection act in someone's interests."
9. Authentic
Wrong: In the center of the capital opened a new café with authentic handmade furniture and modern paintings.
Correctly: The recently opened restaurant with authentic Asian cuisine, which is prepared according to the recipes collected in the villages of Thailand and Cambodia.
Another buzzword. Called authentic collection of clothes, cafes and restaurants, music, paintings, when they want to emphasize their uniqueness and exclusivity. Only the dictionary meaningDictionary of Foreign Words Russian language: authentic the word "authentic" - "authentic, emanating from the source." So say, for example, the historical documents and legal papers. So that the restaurant can be called authentic, if they preserve the tradition of cooking and use in the interior ornaments folk, any specific decor. Although the meaning of the words sometimes change, acquire new shades. And if the "authentic" will continue to be used as a synonym for "unique", "creates a special atmosphere"Perhaps the old value will depart on the second plan.
10. Functional
Wrong: This application has a very diverse functionality.
Correctly: Last update affected application features: now it is already unable to cope with all tasks.
The word "functional" love to flaunt when talking about gadgets or programs. Usually mean that the service or device a lot of different opportunities. But the "functional"Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Functional here it is not suitable: the concept of mathematics. Instead, it is possible to use the word "functionality"Dictionary of linguistic terms: functionality, It means the ability to perform a specific function. But with it's better to be careful: often it is used solely for the sake of "smart" terms. Identify and describe the function - much better than insert vague and meaningless phrases in the spirit of "the application has a rich and diverse functionality."
see also✍
- How to: contracts or agreement
- 16 everyday words, the origin of which you thought
- 9 tricky verbs that will expose you illiterate