17 treacherous tongue, wherein we often make mistakes
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Takeaway
If we are talking about the possibility to carry out something, such as a glass of coffee with me, the word "take-away" is written together. So says the Great Dictionary. In this matter it is better to believe, rather than the Internet "Yandex" offers 68 million sites that meets misspelled "on tap", and only 10 million to the faithful "takeaway".
2. firsthand
The adverb "first hand" is used in conjunction with the verb "to see" and means that the person clearly convinced of anything. With today's quest for brevity phraseologism rarely goes beyond the book speech. But if you decided to write a novel, write it correctly and adverb forget "vaochiyu".
3. not without purpose
The adverb "ulterior motive" is written together as non-attachment can not be separated from the word without changing its meaning is reversed. However, in rare cases, the gap between "no" and "casual" can be found. For example, in the sentence "he did it is not casual, and according to plan." But in this case we are talking about dialect "casual" in the sense of "accidentally" with the denial.
4. half an ear
With half an ear, half-turned, half-heartedly, in a low voice - all adverbs that start with vpol-, written together. Hyphen engages in battle, when it comes to nouns, the second of which begins with a vowel: half an ear, a half-turn.
5. ahead
There is a school rule: adverbs, prepositions derived compound nouns, written together, if between the parts of speech can not insert another word. "Ahead" - an excellent illustration of this rule.
6. in a hurry
No "in a hurry" in modern Russian there. So that exist separately, they can not without excuse. When in a hurry, and write in a hurry, do not forget about it.
7. In addition
The situation is the inverse of the word "hurry": the noun "overmeasure" though out of date, but still found in dictionaries. And with the pretext it is written separately, even if we are talking about the dialect.
8. truly
Soon it is an adverb, you will need to meet in social networks in the animated stickers with Easter cakes and eggs, so it's time to remember that your space - your enemy. As they say dictionaries, "in truth" can be an adverb, and an introductory word, but it is always written together.
9. At random
The words "Guess" does not exist in nature. If you try to find it in an explanatory dictionary of Ushakov, you will know that the "Guess" is used only with the prefix HA. So, there is no reason to separate them by a space.
10. sullenly
"Askance" - is not the same thing out of any bed, because the word "bed" is, and "lobya" no. And once adverb written together, there is no reason to keep the letter "s" at the beginning of the word. Because of its proximity to the voiceless consonant "n" is transformed into at least the dead "with".
11. backhand
It operates all the same rule: there is no word "otmash", there is no gap in the "backhand."
12. stealth
Conjunctive adverbs writing "secret" is considered to be the only right one. The same applies to its synonym "on the sly".
13. soft-boiled
Hard-boiled or soft-boiled - whatever eggs you may love, both of these conditions are indicated by adverbs, which are written together. Also in dialect "soft-boiled" there is no space, if we are talking about a car accident or other incident.
14. on the alert
If it is a dialect of "alert" in the sense of "alert", it is written together. A space is required only if you are talking about the grenade, and not on the fruit.
15. in a draw
Another word that might come in handy this year during the World Cup - "a draw". If we are talking about a game in which nobody won, the gap is not needed. Adverbs are formed due to the connection with the preposition pronoun are written together.
16. parading
slip up easy because the combination is used as an adverb or noun with preposition. In the first case, the gap is not needed, and in the second - is necessary.
17. race
But the word "race" to err is difficult. Firstly, the "distillation" no. Secondly, even if they existed, insert another word between them and the pretext of "to" impossible. So space is not needed.
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