What mistakes hinder us memorize information
Forming / / December 19, 2019
In the turbulent flow of data it is extremely important to process information effectively: the right emphases and not lose the knowledge acquired. That during the training time does not waste time, make sure that you do not make one of the four common mistakes.
Error 1. Excessive information
Remember how in school we were not allowed to dirty books? In fact, tagging and release of the theses in the text very helpful. Subsequently, throwing a quick glance at these "spoiled" the page, you will be able to recover even a large amount of information in memory. However, many make the mistake - secrete too much.
- Wrong: Highlight entire sentences or even paragraphs to allocate more than 1-2 key ideas on the page.
- Correctly: Highlight only keywords that relate to the main page of thoughts.
Error 2. rereading
"Repetition - the mother of learning" - again, from childhood we hear this proverb. But few people know that she has a sequel:
Repetition - the mother of learning and a haven for slackers.
Experiments have shown that the re-reading of the text does not provide a noticeable improvement in the results of the subsequent verifications of the acquired material. In addition, you may mistakenly believe that to understand some complex idea, but in reality it is only on the surface, your short-term memory. This is a classic cramming, which does not lead to the assimilation of information.
Much more effective than trying to remember all the new information once, and confine ourselves to the main ideas. Small pieces of knowledge will shape memory and eventually be able to acquire new items.
- Wrong: Re-read many times the same text in an effort to remember everything at once.
- Correctly: Break up the new information and store only the most important.
Error 3. The lack of test
You loved monitoring at school? Unlikely. But they were really helpful. Only the test of knowledge may reveal weaknesses in the material, which seems to be studied. In school, teachers do the work for you, making questions and evaluating the answers.
By studying the material, it is very important to pay attention to self-examination. It may seem that way you will lose precious time that could be spent on learning new things. But this is a mistake: more in the process of learning definitely not better.
Having studied a small block of material, take a step back: Use your notes and underline, to see if you have learned the material. And do not be discouraged because of the error! These help avoid blind confidence in their own competence.
- Wrong: I try to read as much as possible.
- Correctly: Checking the degree of assimilation of each logical unit of information.
Error 4. Abandoning the practice
Theoretical knowledge is only necessary in order to apply them in practice. And even if your goal is not to create a tangible product, and possession of information of some kind, you have to use the resulting theory. Otherwise, the performance of your learning It will be low, and knowledge will fly out of my head very soon.
Spend time on the practical application of theory, solve the problem, create a micro, share information. Do not be afraid of criticism: it perfectly complement the self-test and will help to deepen knowledge.
- Wrong: Absorb and store information.
- Correctly: Use this knowledge in life.
The pursuit of knowledge - a natural human need. But that does not pass through a waste information, use effective teaching methods:
- Generates less but more accurate.
- Instead of re-reading Emphasize key messages.
- Check yourself as often as possible.
- convert knowledge in the product.