8 main qualities that should be possessed modern teacher
Forming / / December 19, 2019
We live in an amazing time: the world around us is rapidly changing almost beyond recognition. Therefore, a teacher working with the younger generation, should be prepared to:
- Change. This is the most difficult, but a necessary condition for the existence of a full-fledged personality.
- Admit their mistakes. Do not mistake Only he who does nothing. Teacher to so is not exactly true.
- Develop. If before the picture of the world has not changed for several generations, but now everything is developing so fast that is to say the Black Queen in "Alice in Wonderland", in order to stay in place, you need to "run with all legs. "
The teacher also has to understand what modern students live. You can not love or Feis Iwangi, but do not know who these people are - then keep pace with life.
In addition, the teacher should remember that today's children - others. They live in InternetThey do not have the cult adult. Such are the qualities of a modern teacher to benefit and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
1. Respect for children
Usually they say: "The teacher must love children." But this formulation is too abstract and inevitably becomes a cause for speculation. Love is so very versatile. This acquiescence, and, conversely, drill ( "Beats - means love). Unclear. But with all respect so much easier.
Respect the student - it is to see in it a subject, not a blank sheet.
2. Tolerance
All people are different. Sometimes a person is annoying us just because he is different: not wearing a cap, do not look. But is it worth to pay attention to this, if he behaves naturally and does not violate the standards of morality? The same can be said of the human right to their own opinion.
If we are talking about matters that can not give the only correct answer, you should not immediately dismiss the original and unexpected offers. They may be more suitable than the standard. Children are not so spoiled stereotypesAs adults, and can think freely.
Recognize the student the right to be different. And perhaps, you will grow new Einstein.
3. Understanding that the teacher provides service
For some reason, this option is most angers teachers and many parents. Maybe it's the authority. Teacher - it sounds good, and services are provided by hairdressers and porters. Undignified!
4. Willingness to win credibility of the real thing
Big words, commanding voice and regalia of the modern child is not impressed. Everything should be on the Hamburg account: a good teacher knows his subject, may explain its benefits and can be interesting to submit the material.
Scare useless. Today's children do not feel fear, afraid of what the survivors of "scoop".
5. sense of boundaries
This applies to both psychological borders ( "do not climb into the soul"), and their own knowledge. After all, children in some areas of competence of the teacher.
6. Understanding of its mission
The teacher should only give useful knowledge that can not just Google it (and if possible, the teacher is likely to waste time).
7. self-criticism
If the teacher will analyze your activity and think about how to make it better, it will achieve much. Everyone makes mistakes. Including cool adult uncles and aunts. The sooner children are aware of this, the better.
8. self-irony
The ability to be frivolous and fun of a - a necessary component of what is called stress tolerance. And just for the excellent quality of life in society.
Self-irony allows you to defuse the situation, to get distracted and move on to the solution of complex problems.
Of course, all this is difficult in an environment where education stand a penny. Unfortunately, schools often have no choice, and they are forced to take anyone have to. Nevertheless, it should strive for the ideal.
What do you think? What should a modern teacher? Write in the comments.
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