How to: Roasted or grilled
Forming Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
In the Russian language the adjective fried and communion fried.
Directory of Russian Academy of Sciences, edited by B. IN. Lopatin "rules of Russian orthography and punctuation" suggestsDual n and n is one in suffixes passive past participles and correlative with them adjectivesThat adjectives derived from verbs with the suffixes -en- (-on) and -an-, Written with one letter n: grilled meat, roasted chestnuts, roasted smells. But in the passive past participles n twice: fried in butter fish, fried mushrooms and onions, meat grilled on charcoal.
Identify Communion usually helpRoasted or fried? dependent or explanatory words indicating a process operation.
They can answer questions as? with what? on what? Where? when? and others. For example: it smells of fried (when?) hour ago fish fried (on what?) on oil potatoes, fried (Where?) perch on a frying pan.
Sometimes completely changes the context of writing. for question number 284443, between fried potatoes with mushrooms and
fried potatoes with mushrooms there is a significant semantic difference: it is important, at what point add the mushrooms. In the first case - when applying for a table that is dependent no words and an adjective with one nAnd the second - at the time of preparation, and fried converted into communion with the double consonant.see also🙈🙉🙊
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