1. There are special products on which lose weight or get fat
On weight change affectsInformation about Energy Balance. the difference between calories eaten and burned. It is not so important, from what products you get energy. You can recover on a strict diet of chicken breast and brown rice, if you eat a lot of them do, and lose weight in the burgers.
Magic pill and will not produce the so-called negative-calorie. These are usually related to cucumbers, cabbage, celery. Ostensibly the body spends its processing more energy than it receives. The theory of negative calorie is not confirmed by science. How little calories or contained in the product, the body spends on its digestion 3-30%Can food have negative calories? of its energy value.
2. To lose weight, you must reduce the intake of carbohydrates
If you are not a professional bodybuilder who painfully trying to reduce the percentage of fat from 8 to 5% before the competition, rehabilitate carbohydrates in their menu. You will lose weight and gain a calorie deficit in their excess, and carbohydrates in the diet affects this process slightly.
On the other hand, this myth is unfounded: the carbohydrates in the body retain water, and severely restricting their use really lead to weight loss - due to the fluid. She will return as soon as you start eating carbohydrates again. And to get them back in the menu will have, because glucose gives the brain energy and is involved in the mechanism of production of the hormone of joy - of serotonin. Not by chance the people who observe a long low-carbohydrate diet, note that are less savvy and duller. This effect is confirmed by studiesLow-carbohydrate weight-loss diets. Effects on cognition and mood. .
3. Proper nutrition - the key to optimal weight and good health
The main purpose of food - to supply the body with energy, necessary for the functioning of the body's proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, trace elements. And it is not so important, by what body products supplied by them. In this case, if manic comply with the principles proper nutritionYou can get sick orthorexia nervosaOrthorexia nervosa: A preliminary study with a proposal for diagnosis and an attempt to measure the dimension of the phenomenon. - a mental disorder in which a person experiences anxiety and guilt for the "wrong" foods on the menu.
4. We need to avoid gluten
Gluten - is a complex protein that is found in many cereals and products of them. He is credited with a destructive effect on the intestine, leading to atrophy of the colonic mucosa, malabsorption of fats, vitamins, adverse effects on metabolism. All this is true for patients with celiac disease - gluten intolerance. But it suffers from only 1%Antiendomysium versus antigliadin antibodies in screening the general population for coeliac disease. the world's population.
In addition, for healthy people rejection of gluten not only it does not make sense, but it can also be dangerous. he leadsEffects of a gluten-free diet on gut microbiota and immune function in healthy adult humans. to decreased immunity and reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine with a simultaneous increase in the number of malicious.
5. Periodically all need detoxification
This myth is a whole industry works. We offer a "clean up" the body of toxins by a miracle smoothies, infusions of cucumber, mint and secret additives and so on. Scientists say that detoxification exists only in its medical aspect, when doctors save poisoning victim.
As for the other cases, it's a marketing ploy. It detoxifies the body aloneIt's a myth. So how do you get healthy? via the liver, kidneys, and skin. If he can not cope, you need medical help, not a smoothie.
6. Stop the diet, you're sure will type weight again
Indeed, scientists have noted the so-called yo-yo effectEffects of diets and their role in weight control. : People who follow very strict diet, often return to their original weight.
But the key to this issue is not the fact of food restrictions. Just a man again begins to consume more calories than it spends, and the weight comes back. Scientists say that the psychological reasons set kilograms after the diet is more important than biological.
7. two liters of pure water you should drink per day
Indeed, water is essential for the organism. The main marker is its lack of thirstFact or Fiction?: You Must Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily. . Therefore, if you do not want to drink, you do not need to force yourself.
Also, do not necessarily focus on clean water. The "Ladder" comes from liquid food and all beverages, including those containing caffeine. Previously it was thought that the latter derive water from the body, but researchThe effect of caffeinated, non-caffeinated, caloric and non-caloric beverages on hydration. 2000 fully exonerated them.
8. It does not eat carbohydrates and fats at the same time, if you want to lose weight
It is believed that such a mixture results in a momentary fat transportation in stocks on the background of increasing insulin levels due to consumption of carbohydrates. In fact, the proteins can also cause a splashAcylation stimulating protein stimulates insulin secretion. insulin levels. Therefore, if you are not prepared to restrict its reception of fat food, filled with oil, mix safely at ease whatever.
In addition, the results of studies in which one group of subjects separated fats and carbohydrates, and the other was fed a balanced, setSimilar weight loss with low-energy food combining or balanced diets. That patients lose weight the same way - only by reducing daily caloric.
9. We do not eat at night
The adepts of this myth say that the intestines magically stops working after sunset, so Food or converted to fat, or rots inside the digestive tract, poisoning organism toxins.
Truth in this myth is. During sleep, decreasedAspects of sleep effects on the digestive tract. salivation, the upper oesophageal sphincter pressure. In this case, the activity of the small intestine at night above the highest secretion of gastric juice is observed between 22 and 2 hours. A gastric emptying greater influenceCircadian rhythm and sleep influences on digestive physiology and disorders. customized circadian rhythmsThan time of day.
So easy snack for the night perfectly digested. But overeating is not recommended at any time of the day.
10. Magic diet there, you just need to find it
Believe the reviews that "this diet definitely works," it should be with caution. The basis of absolutely all hyped diets for weight loss - reduction of daily calories. In some cases, such as restriction carbohydrates by weight, as mentioned, it may be reduced due to fluid loss, but this effect is short-lived.
11. There are products that disperse metabolism
Products with caffeine or some spices can significantly speed up your metabolism in the short term. However, this effect is so insignificantInformation about Energy Balance. That it is better not to take into account in the weight loss strategy.