How to reduce the pressure: 6 quick ways that will work for sure
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
High blood pressure kills. And it's not a metaphor. In the US alone, this cardiovascular problem daily claims the lives of more than a thousandHigh Blood Pressure Facts man.
What is high blood pressure and how it is dangerous
High blood pressure is called17 Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure silent killer, and for good reason. High blood pressure (hypertension) often do not have pronounced symptoms, but greatly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders and stroke.
Blood pressure is measured in the form of two numbers. For example, 120/80. Or 200/140. Or 90/60. That's what these numbers mean:
- The first - the systolic pressure - indicates how much (in millimeters of mercury) pressure on the walls of the blood vessels during heart beat.
- Second - diastolic pressure - captures blood pressure when the heart rests between beats.
In general, vessels - pieces of elastic. But if blood pressure becomes too great, they can not stand. Rupture of the vessel in any of the vital organs resulting in serious consequences - even death.
What pressure is too big? On this question there is quite a definite answer. Not long ago, the American Heart Association has loweredHigh blood pressure redefined for first time in 14 years: 130 is the new high bar concept "high pressure" to 130/80. Previously considered dangerous indicators 140/90.
If you commit at the pressure at this level or higher, you are at risk. Urgent measures must be taken.
How to measure the pressure correctly →
How to quickly lower blood pressure at home
Just say: if you expensive health (and we believe that expensive), with complaints of high blood pressure need to see a therapist. Depending on the level of blood pressure, your lifestyle and other factors, the physician will choose to have an individual plan prevention and treatment, and more likely to prescribe medication that will help lead to the pressure indicators normal level.
But if for some reason to the physician you're not there yet, here are some ways that can help reduce the pressure. Choose the one that you feel more comfortable, or combine several to achieve maximum effect.
1. breathe deeply
showHEART HEALTH Just Breathe: How to Use Breathing Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure research, proper deep breathing - one of the most effective ways to quickly reduce blood pressure.
- Relax, cover your eyes. This will help reduce your stress level - one of the main instigators hypertension.
- Take a deep breath, counting to 5. Breathe not the breast, and stomach. For the control put his hand on him - you have to feel how your stomach rises.
- Then breathe out again and did a count of 5.
This deep breathing will increase blood flow for 3-5 minutes to all the tissues of your body, including the extremities. Due to this pressure in the vessels decreases.
You can try to hold their breath after exhaling for 8-10 seconds - choose the option exercise, which you feel more comfortable.
2. Take a hot bath
Fill the basin water temperature of about 45 ° C and immerse it in the hands or feet for 10 minutes. Hot water will cause blood vessels to expand in the limbs, they prilot blood, and the blood pressure to decrease slightly.
3. Hold hands under cold running water
Cool (not ice!), The water will reduce the heart rate, and this, in turn, will reduce theScientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body pressure.
4. Drink warm tea with mint
Boil a pinch of mint leaves boiled water for 10 minutes, let cool and drink tea slow sips. In this form, peppermint may reduceEffects and Safety of Menthol on Blood Pressure and Metabolic Parameters in Prehypertensive and Mild Hypertensive Patients (ESMAB) arterial pressure.
5. Make a compress with apple cider vinegar
Moisten the gauze in apple cider vinegar and apply a wet cloth to the feet for 10-15 minutes. This is an old people's way in the effectiveness of which has some confirmation.
Thus, it is establishedUsing Apple Cider Vinegar to Help Lower Blood PressureThat in apple vinegar contains substances which can reduce the pressure (at least, it works in rats). Studies have not yet been completed, but the prospects they clearly are.
6. take valerian
Or products based on it, such as Corvalol. Valerian - a powerful sedative, which helps the body cope with stress. The heart begins to beat calmer, blood pressure will drop. Important: when receiving, do not exceed the dose specified in the instructions!
As a long time to reduce the pressure without medication
Once again we recall the above ways to reduce pressure at home - it's extreme measures. Fight the "silent killer" is necessary only with the help of a doctor, scrupulously following its recommendations.
But there is good news. On the level of pressure is greatly influenced by lifestyle. Enough to change it in a healthy way, and hypertension or retreat at all, or your need for medication is reduced considerably.
Experts reputable research organization Mayo Clinic made a list10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication 10 necessary life changes:
- Get rid of overweight. Each lost kilogram reduce your blood pressure by about 1 point.
- Regularly Train. Your choice - aerobic exercise: long walks, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing. Dedicate these exercises at least 30 minutes a day. In this case, you can reduce the pressure for another 5-8 points.
- Eat a healthy diet. More fruits, vegetables, grains (cereals), less fat, semi-baking. revision of the diet help you to "subtract" from the blood pressure up to 11 points.
- Reduce the number of salt in the diet. At least for a little bit. This will help lower blood pressure by 5-6 points. Remember, WHO and other authoritative sources recommendThe Salt Myth - How Much Sodium Should You Eat Per Day? use no more than 1 500-2 300 mg of salt per day, which is less than a teaspoon!
- Limit the number of alcohol. Employed the dose is sufficient to reduce to one drink per day for women or two - for men. One drink herein is 350 ml or 150 ml beer wine. Do not exceed the dose, and your blood pressure will drop by another 4 points.
- tie with smoking. Every cigarette you add a little bit of blood pressure.
- Drink less coffee. However, it's a bit controversial issue because of the impact coffee on the pressure level, scientists still discuss. The fact that some people caffeine causes blood pressure rise, in others no such effect was observed. If you belong to the first category (check: measure the pressure to the coffee break and after 30 minutes he and compare performance), the drink should be abandoned.
- Try to reduce stress. Chronic stress - one of the main instigators of high blood pressure.
- Monitor your pressure at home and regularly consult a physician. Home monitoring can help you better understand what lifestyle changes work and which ones - are ineffective.
- Seek support from family and friends. Tell them about your problem and ask for help. Caring for loved ones will make your fight easier and reduce stress.
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