How to learn to get up early: a detailed instruction
Productivity Health / / December 19, 2019
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To decide what time is best to get up, you need to consider your daily routine and responsibilities (work, study, family, hobbies, travel). For example, you will be very hard to get up at five in the morning, if you are working late at night or sit up for the books.
When you have decided over time, pay attention to the following four points:
1. Objectives and attitude to life.
2. Evening ritual.
3. The quality of sleep.
4. awakening and morning ritual.
They will help you get up in the morning without any difficulty. Consider each item separately.
1. Objectives and attitude to life
You have to be prepared that you will first need to sacrifice. At the time you will have to give up the party. As long as the body can not be reconstructed, you will be more tired and your productivity may fall. To deal with this was easier, you need to have clear objectives.
Why is this so important?
- First, the purpose of motivating us. They help to get out of bed when you want to take a nap more.
- Second, the purpose of determining our actions. Each goal should be a certain system actions, doing that we will achieve the desired result.
For example:
- Purpose: lose weight by 5 kg to 1 April 2017.
- Action System: consume less than 2000 calories a day (do not eat sweets and fast foods) and exercise: cardio twice a week (jogging or swimming), weightlifting twice a week and yoga for stretching.
Decide for yourself three main objectives next year and shall describe the action for each system.
2. evening ritual
To wake up in the morning easy and comfortable, you need to prepare in advance for the evening. Here are some tips.
Do not use electronic devices before bedtime
The light from the screens of smartphones, tablets and computers badly affects the quality of sleep and sleep speed. Therefore, for 1-2 hours prior to lay down, turn off all the devices.
Be prepared for tomorrow
Identify plans for the next day more in the evening to the morning not to spend the time and effort. Decide what to do, what to wear, what to cook.
Please rate the past day
Time flies, and if you do not stop and think about the most important, there is much to pass up. Therefore, to vote in the evening, what did you do during the day, for which grateful that you are pleased.
Now all this busy schedule of taking the time to read is very difficult. But if a couple of hours before bedtime to turn off all electronic devices, you sure there is at least 30 minutes on a good book.
3. quality of sleep
Normally we do not think that affects the quality of our sleepAnd how you can improve it. But you should always keep in mind the following factors.
- The drinks. Do not drink coffee or alcohol for at least six hours before bedtime, otherwise you can hardly sleep enough good. It is better to drink green tea or water.
- Food. Do not load up before going to bed. It loads the digestive system and also affects the quality of sleep. Snack with something light, such as nuts or a glass of milk.
- Sports. Do not engage in sports at least three hours before bedtime, otherwise you will be hard to sleep. It is better to move in the morning workout.
- Suitable conditions. Buy a high-quality mattress and pillows. It is desirable to sleep in the dark and quiet, and keep the temperature not too high.
- Mode. Go to bed at the same time. Of course, at first it will be given with difficulty. As long as the body will work in the old rhythm, it is better to go to bed when you are tired. After a few days you will enter the new mode.
- Time to sleep. Determine for yourself the perfect time to fall asleep and wake up. During the night gives way to several sleep cycles consisting of alternating fast and slow phase of sleep. The complete cycle lasts about 90 minutes (1.5 hours). To be awake, need to wake up when the cycle is complete, - a half hour, three, four and a half, six, and so on. Of course, you do not succeed immediately determine the appropriate for themselves sleep up to a minute, but you are sure to find the best option.
4. Awakening and morning ritual
There are two approaches that can help you get up earlier. Choose the one that suits you best.
- immersion method. You get up at once at the scheduled time and try to support the new regime. This approach is more complicated, because of a sudden change, you will be more tired. In this case, you can take a nap for 20-30 minutes during the day.
- The method of gradual habituation. This approach is more efficient, because you change the time of awakening gradually. It is best to move it to 10-15 minutes for 1-3 days until you get used to it and then push again. For example, if you usually get up at eight, do not try to immediately start to get up at six in the morning. At first, set the alarm for 7:45. A few days get up at this time, and then move the alarm clock at 7:30. Yes, this approach takes more time, but the body will be easier to adapt.
When you have decided on a convenient approach for you, try to also adhere to the following guidelines:
- Do not place the alarm clock tune that makes you boring. Find a song with a slow introduction, which makes you positive emotions (of course, after some time, and this song may start to annoy you). The first few weeks did not leave the alarm clock next to the bed. Then you have to get up and turn it off.
- Is accountable to someone. Surely someone of your friends gets up early, try to ask them to support you. You agree that you will call or write to them in 10-15 minutes after awakening.
- Turn obligation into play. Hang in a prominent place a calendar and mark a cross days in which you were able to get up early. Within a few days you have before your eyes is a chain of such crosses, which over time will only increase, and you will not want to interrupt her. This trick will help keep motivation.
- Go do something immediately after waking up. This will bring you out of the dream state. Will work even such simple actions as a glass water, Wash, fill the bed. Open a window and ventilate the room. In no case do not read the news, do not go to social networks and do not check email. This you will have time to do later, and the morning dedicate yourself only.
- In the morning, do something nice. Cook your favorite coffee, sit quietly with a book or enjoy breakfast.
What else to do in the morning
Of course, this individually, but here are some suggestions:
- Think about your goals and evaluate progress.
- Exercise.
- Meditate.
- Read.
- Engaged in creativity.
- Spend time with loved ones.
Sometimes you can not wake up early, but do not be discouraged because of this. Rejoice that sleep longer, and then be engaged in normal activities. And tomorrow, to make greater efforts.
But what about the weekend?
It all depends on you. But when you're just trying to instill the habit of getting up early, it is best not to stand out from the new regime, and at the weekend. When you are confident in their abilities, and you can treat yourself to sleep longer.
How many days in a row, you can wake up later?
When you start to accustom themselves to the new routine, do not miss more than 1-2 days, otherwise it will be very difficult to go back to the early rise. If you get up early for more than a month, to miss 2-3 days will not be so scary.
How to be traveling?
Do not be too hard on yourself. Try to stick to the regime. If you can not, just do their business as planned.
And suddenly, friends will call me to the party?
Perfectly. Have fun and do not try to wake up at the same time as usual. Night's sleep, and tomorrow back to zavedonnomu routine.
To train yourself to wake up early, it takes time. Start small, and you must succeed.