Why numb hands and feet, and what to do
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Loss of sensation in the hands, feet and legs are sometimes accompanied by tingling, - a popular phenomenon. With him I came across anyone who fell asleep on his hand, too long working with a computer mouse or sitting cross-legged.
Most often, the reasons why numb hands and feet, are safe, and an unpleasant sensation for a few minutes goes by itself. But there may be unpleasant surprises.
Why is it sometimes numb hands and feet
Hands and feet are the final destination station, two major systems - the circulatory and nervousNumbness in hands. Using the analogy of public transport if at any of the stations there will be some kind of failure, the bus to the end will not make it. That is, the blood, which carries oxygen to the tissues and nutrients not come in the right quantities to the fingers. Or, nerve impulses are processed correctly, and you will feel numbness and tingling.
Therefore, if you have numb hands and feet, first check if everything is in order:
- With circulation. If anything pinched?
- With the transmission of nerve impulses. Is it too long your wrists are in the same position (for example, on a computer mouse)? This could cause a pinched nerve fibers.
Most likely, at the stage of initial diagnosis you evaluate the problem. In this case, get rid of the numbness is simple: rotate the hand, foot or lower leg apart, limb massage to improve circulation and eliminate the pinched nerve.
But it so happens that the arm or leg seems to be not pinched, and numbness nevertheless there regularly. This is an alarming symptom: here we can already go on the hidden system disordersTingling in Hands and Feet.
Why regularly numb hands and feet
1. peripheral neuropathy
This disorder that affects the peripheral, that is remote from the brain and spinal cord nerves located in the hands and / or feet. This failure often occurs with age. According to American experts, peripheral neuropathy affects up to 20 million people in the US, most of them elderly.
2. Incipient diabetes type II
Often numbness and tingling in the limbs - one of the first symptoms develop diabetes (So-called diabetic neuropathyWhat Is Diabetic Neuropathy?). In most cases, this applies to the feet, not the hands. But there are alternatives.
3. Lack of vitamins
Vitamins E, B1, B6, B12, and P are required for the healthy functioning of the nervous systemCauses of Tingling in Hands and Feet. For example, a B12 deficiency can be one of the causes of peripheral neuropathy. However, an excess of vitamin B6 can also cause tingling in the hands and feet.
4. Love Alcohol
Alcohol abuse often suffer from vitamin deficiency, caused by an unbalanced diet. In addition, drinking in itself can cause peripheral nerve damage - the so-called alcoholic neuropathy.
5. certain infections
Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet may be symptoms of diseases such as Lyme disease, varicella, simple, or herpes virus (Epstein - Barr virus), herpes, and HIV or AIDS.
6. poisoning toxins
As a rule, we are talking about a poisoning with salts of heavy metals - lead, arsenic, mercury, thallium, as well as some industrial chemicals.
However, sometimes the body can react numbness in hands and feet in a number of drugs. loss of sensation in limbs manifest themselves drugs for chemotherapy (for example, used for lung cancer), as well as some antivirals and antibiotics.
7. autoimmune diseases
For example, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
8. hereditary disorders
Some people have a genetically caused by damage to the nervous tissue (eg, Lou Gehrig's disease - Marie - Tooth disease), one symptom of which is the regular numbness and tingling in the hands, feet and shins.
9. the effects of trauma or excessive physical exertion
Sometimes injuries occur jamming, squeezing, or otherwise damaged nerve endings is not immediately diagnosed. This may involve, for example, squeezing the nerve caused by a herniated disc or bone dislocation.
10. Smoking
Nicotine vessels restricts blood flow feeding the peripheral nerves.
What if numb hands and feet
You have realized that if the numbness and tingling becomes a regular - it is an occasion to pay a visit to the doctor. The therapist will hold examination, ask you questions about the lifestyle, social habits (for example, it probably interested in your Friday meeting with friends over a bottle or two), the place and conditions of work, health, family relatives.
According to the results of a doctor is likely to prescribe studies, which may include:
- Blood tests. They help identify potential diabetes, vitamin deficiency, features aberrant activity of the immune system dysfunction of liver, kidney or other disruptions in the metabolism.
- Electromyogram (EMG). This is a test on the electrical activity of muscles.
- Study of cerebrospinal fluid. They will help identify antibodies associated with peripheral neuropathy.
Depending on what the study will show, the doctor will prescribe a treatment.
The good news: In many cases, medication is not required. To get rid of the numbness, will be sufficient to adjust lifestyle to reduce the amount of sugar consumed, drink vitamin supplements start to eat, give up bad habits, add a little fiznagruzok and lose weight (if there is one).
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