What to do while traveling fast: course of action in emergency situations
Books Health / / December 19, 2019
When the ambulance long rides and have life-threatening person, we must act quickly and correctly. Of course, first aid is no substitute for a professional. But sometimes a few simple steps can save the life of the victim.
James Hubbard
The practitioner with 30 years of experience, a leading expert in survival medicine.
First aid for burns
As a rule, thermal burns are not life-threatening, if they do not affect the respiratory tract, there is no swelling of the neck or face, or if we are not talking about deep burns with a large affected area. But even minor burns cause pain. Here's how to get rid of it:
- Eliminate the source of the heat, remove the burn with the hot or constraining clothing.
- Cool the burn with water - this reduces pain and reduces tissue damage. Ice for these purposes does not fit: it prevents the blood flow to the damaged tissue.
- If possible, raise the Burnt land above heart level. This is not the most efficient method, but it can be a little to relieve the pain due to the fact that the nerves become less sensitive.
- In no case do not smear with oil burns fat or ointments. They retain heat in the wound. First, cool the burn, and only after a few hours of grease damaged skin cream with an antibiotic.
- Rate the damaged area. All further actions depend on the degree of the burn.
A simple way to evaluate the lesion area - compare the size and burnt area affected palm: palm surface is about 1% of the total body surface.
James Hubbard
First-degree burns
This light burns from the sunThat cause pain. It damaged only the top layer of skin, so everything passes in a few days: exfoliates old skin, there will be new in its place.
Get rid of the pain can help:
- Cold compress.
- Aloe vera gel.
- Antiinflammatory agents with analgesic effect.
Second-degree burns
Determine second-degree burn can visually: immediately or within a few hours of bubbles appear. Great risk of infection catch, however necessarily refer to the hospital, if the lesion area is more than 5%. Heal those burns 2-3 weeks, but it is likely to remain small scars.
Proceed in the same way as when an open wound:
- Do not touch the small bubbles. Bubbles with a diameter of 2-3 cm puncture with a sterile instrument.
- After the puncture, clean the affected area.
- Apply a sterile dressing.
- If redness extends to healthy skin, take an antibiotic.
Third-degree burns
All damaged layers of the skin, so it becomes completely white or faded. In some cases, deep burns may not cause pain: nerve endings in the skin layers of the die, the affected area numb.
Healing is delayed for months, and the scars are practically inevitable. For large lesions often require skin grafting. In such cases:
- Immediately seek medical attention.
- Before the arrival of the doctor's actions as well as for second-degree burns: clean the wound, apply a sterile dressing with antibiotic ointment.
- During healing, try to stretch the joints longer: so there will be no scars that limit mobility.
First aid for epistaxis
The nostrils are so many vessels that are close to the mucosal surface. Because of its dryness or damage can begin severe bleeding.
- When the nose starts flowing blood, sit down, and do not go: so will decrease the pressure in the nose.
- Do not throw back his head, otherwise the blood will flow down the throat down and gets into the respiratory tract. Tilt your head forward.
- Pinch the nostrils. Typically, direct pressure to stop the bleeding.
- Pinch the nose for 10 minutes.
- If blood continues to walk, find out which nostril bleeds. To do this, tighten them alternately.
- Insert the bleeding nostril swab or a piece of gauze, folded very tightly. Pre can lubricate its antibacterial solution or drip a little vasoconstrictor nasal drops. If bleeding continues, the tampon sits tightly enough.
- If the blood does not stop on the clamping of the nose or on the swab, immediately call an ambulance. Perhaps you back nosebleeds, which affects arteries. Doctors will be able to stop blood loss.
First aid for fainting
Fainting - a sudden loss of consciousness due to cerebrovascular insufficiency. Sometimes it is caused by innocuous causes, but in some cases, medical care is vital. But whatever was caused by an attack, we must act as follows:
- At the first signs of fainting - nausea, sweating, rapid breathing, tunnel vision, humidity hands, pallor and dizziness - Seat the person and ask him to bend down to his head was below the rib cells. The best option - to lie down.
- If you see that a person loses consciousness, hold him so he does not hurt himself.
- When the head is flush with or below the heart, the mind must return. Although the patient some more time may be in a state of lethargy.
- Do not let him get up until symptoms completely disappear.
- Check the pulse and blood pressure.
- If the indicators are normal, the patient can sit. After sitting for a few minutes, you can try to climb. If the symptoms come back, put it back on.
- Try to find out what causes fainting. If there are warning signs you need as soon as possible to get expert medical care.
The causes of syncope
the cause of syncope is often evident, for example, the patient is too impressed by the sight of blood, or he suffers dehydration after vomiting attack. In some cases, without understanding the cause of the medical examination is not possible.
To find out what caused the attack, it is useful to know what are the kinds of syncope. Doctors divide them into four categories.
1. vasovagal syncope
In such a faint fall perfectly healthy people: because of fear, anxiety, cough, stress, the sight of blood, or even laughter. Why do some people have a sudden decrease in pressure causes such a reaction, while others do not, scientists have not figured out. But this is the safest form of fainting.
2. postural syncope
Sometimes people fall into a swoon with a sharp rising: the heart and blood vessels just did not deliver enough blood to the brain. It may happen due to blood loss, anemia or dehydration.
3. Cardiac syncope
Because of the problems is reduced blood flow to the heart to the brain, so there is an attack. Possible reasons - heart attack, Heart failure, too fast or too slow heartbeat, weakness of the heart muscle.
4. neurological syncope
Rarely, but it still happens: people fainted due to severe migraine. Also, the reason can be a transient ischemic attack (mini stroke).
The symptoms for which medical assistance is needed immediately
- The lack of previous symptoms. For example, before the loss of consciousness is not the heart beat quickened. This may be a sign of heart problems, so in need of urgent hospitalization.
- Syncope occurred during exercise. Perhaps it is caused by overexertion and not serious. But also there is a possibility of asymptomatic heart disease. Therefore, be sure to carry out a medical examination.
- Pupils of different sizes. This indicates a strong pressure in the brain. Probable causes - stroke, concussion or swelling.
- Strong headache. Maybe it's just a migraine, but it could be a stroke.
- Severe back pain. It may be a sign of aortic dissection. It is a disease in which the stratified vessel coming from the heart. Needed urgent hospitalization.
First aid heatstroke
The most important thing when hyperthermia - time symptoms and cool to see. Heat stroke is dangerous because the body's cooling system stops working. However, internal metabolic processes are not stopped and generate heat. Therefore, organs begin to literally welded.
recognize heatstroke It can be the following symptoms. After prolonged sun exposure a person becomes agitated, experiencing euphoria, it quickens the heartbeat and breathing, and perspiration are released. It is also possible severe headache, mental confusion and hallucinations.
To act in such a situation, it is necessary quickly. Adhere to the following instructions and try to use everything that you have in your hand.
- Immediately call an ambulance. Do not expect that after heat shock people recover on their own: even after cooling some organs are damaged.
- Before the ambulance cool the patient. If he is able to walk, go to a cool room. Otherwise, take it into the shadows.
- Remove outer clothing.
- Spray, and cleanse the victim with cool water. Then fanned his fan, came to the outflow of heat. Sheet can be dipped into ice water and wrap the patient in it.
- If there is ice, wrap it in a cloth and place it on the inguinal and axillary regions of the body and under the neck.
- Radical way: put the victim in a tub of ice water, if he has no heart problems.
- If the person is conscious, give him a drink of cold water as much as possible.
"First aid with their own hands," James Hubbard - a book that is worth putting in every first aid kit. Thanks to her, you will learn how to properly respond to different crisis situations: bruises, cuts, bites, frostbite, and heart attacks. This book will help you not to get lost and to help themselves and others in a situation where aid to await nowhere and need to rely only on themselves.
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