World Sleep Society has developed the "10 rules of sleep hygiene for adults." If followed, sleep problems you will avoid side.
1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time
Many of us on the weekends give yourself indulgence and sleep almost until dinner. But scientists believe that because of this variability get off our circadian rhythms. Helps improve sleep daily rise and going to bed at the same time.
2. Arrange breaks for sleep, if you feel tired
A little nap, you will regain vigor. However, keep in mind that an afternoon nap should not last longer than 45 minutes.
3. Discard the bad habits
Experts advise not to drink alcohol or smoke for at least four hours before bedtime. Although these habits are best quit once and for all.
Liborio Parrino, a professor of neurology at the University of Parma and the chairman of the International Committee of Sleep Day (World Sleep Day Committee) in 2018.Good habits have a positive effect on sleep quality. And many studies show that the quality of sleep is more important than its quantity.
4. Cut down on caffeine
According to the recommendations of the World Society of sleep at least six hours before bedtime you must stop using caffeine. Keep in mind that it is contained not only in coffee but also in tea, soda and even chocolate.
5. Do not load up before going to bed
You can arrange a light snack. But for four hours before bedtime should not lean on the heavy, spicy and sugary foods.
6. Do not engage in activities before bedtime
Experts insist that the activities need to deal with on a regular basis. However, physical activity immediately before bedtime can damage its quality.
7. Choose comfort bedding
If the middle of the night you wake up from what you get hot under the usual blanket, it's time to replace it. For the sake of your own health.
8. ventilate the bedroom
In the course recently conducted study revealedWindow / door opening-mediated bedroom ventilation and its impact on sleep quality of healthy, young adultsThat an open window sleep quality improved. If you have an air conditioner, then pick up the temperature most suitable for sleeping. It should be a few degrees below normal.
9. Eliminate distracting noises and light
Electronics in the room can prevent you from sleep. For example, a flashing digital clock buzzing computer and, of course, complimentary TV.
10. Do not engage in foreign affairs on the bed
Using a smartphone or laptop, we can easily respond to emails while lying on the bed. However, this may lead to the fact that you will associate this place with work. Cease to do so. Bed is for sleep and sex.
By following these rules, you will improve the quality of sleep, as well as prevent its fragmentation and lack of sleep. The latter can lead to serious health problems, including mental disorders and cardiovascular disease.
See also:
- Everything about how much and why sleep →
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