All of these exercises require no special skills or flexibility. In addition, you always have the opportunity to make an easier option.
Before proceeding with the exercises, you should be sure that you have no medical contraindications. This is especially true of back problems, or instead of the use of these exercises will harm your health!
Camel Pose
Deflections in the back opens the heart and improves the circulation of energy. They had a great help if you feel lethargy, and you always want to sleep. Poses "Camel", "bridge" and "Wheel" very good sag your back, but it is the "camel" gives the greatest burst of cheerfulness and good humor, so it is better not to perform this asana before bedtime.
A simpler option.
In order to perform this pose correctly, you must first create a "solid foundation" in order not to give a strong burden on the weak spots in the spine - the neck and lower back.
So, you need to get on your knees, shins and hips are positioned at the width of the pelvis, with the lower leg should be parallel to each other, and thighs perpendicular to the floor. Firmly press the ankle and toes on the floor. Then start to wrap the hips inward so if you need to squeeze between the legs of brick, and thus drag down the coccyx. Now you can do the simplest option poses - put your palms on your lower back, fingers pointing down and slightly bend back.
During the execution of this position, you must stand firmly on their feet, and hips and knees should be level. Hold this position for a few breaths and very neatly out of the pose. To do this, you need to press more strongly ankle to the floor and tighten the back muscles themselves.
A more sophisticated version.
You perform all the same as in a simple embodiment, only after you feel the balance, removes his hands from the waist and puts them on his heels. It is best to carry out this exercise close to the wall, which will prevent you to push the pelvis too far beyond the knees. In order to completely get out of this position, you first need to fully lift the rib cage, and only then raise his head.
Contraindications: back and neck injuries, headache or migraine, increased or reduced pressure.
Luca Pose
This pose opens the chest, too, and fills the body and mind energy.
A simpler option.
To perform a simple version, you need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body, bend your knees so that the shins are perpendicular to the floor and heel looked at the ceiling. After that you have to take a deep breath, and breath to lift his head, shoulders and chest at a comfortable height for you. Then try to pull your knees on the floor and stretch your feet as if you reach them to his head.
A more sophisticated version.
To perform more complex option, you'll need to do the same thing as a simple, but just grab his arms and legs by the ankles to bend. To this end, in a prone position on his stomach bend your knees so that the heels were on the buttocks. Grab heel hands and while inhaling slowly raise them up at the same time lifting the shoulders and chest off the floor. You have to pull the crown at the ceiling, not throwing her head back. Flex as much as you allowing your back.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, high blood pressure and heart problems.
Fish Pose
This pose is excellent relieves stress from the upper back. To begin, lie on your back and extend your legs. On the inhale, holding the forearms and elbows to the floor, lift your chest and head up. Then rest against the floor and top of the head and neck stay in such position for 10 breaths.
Contraindications: Posture disorders, respiratory diseases, diseases of the abdominal cavity.
Pose child
This position is well calms the nerves, it helps to cope with stress and fatigue, and if you are under his head something soft, will help take the stress off the spine and alleviate back pain and neck.
For its implementation, take the shins and knees outward to the width of the pelvis. Take care that the big toes touching each other. Lean forward, lie down and relax, arms stretched out to the sides and having spread under his head something soft. Stay in a relaxed position with one or two minutes.
Contraindications: Pregnancy and a knee injury.
bridge Pose
I'm sure many of you have a child at least once tried to stand "on the bridge" so much difficulty with performing this asana should arise. This posture eliminates anxiety, headaches, fatigue, calms the nervous system, helps to cope with stress and depression, great stretches the chest, neck and spine.
A simpler option.
Lie on your back, bend your knees, place feet on the width of the pelvis, put his hands along the body. Raise your pelvis up and arch your back without lifting the shoulders, neck and head from the floor. During the execution of this asana, make sure that your knees are not driving around in a hand and looked ahead.
A more sophisticated version.
For its implementation you will need to have his hands behind his shoulders, stretch your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart and try to stand up to the standard bridge that many will be familiar with the physical education lessons in school. If you are not sure of its flexibility, it is better not to risk it.
Contraindications: Spinal cord injuries (especially of the neck), and pregnancy.
This is not the whole list of effective postures, only the lightest options, but each of them can help you cheer up and lighten the load on your back. They will be particularly useful for people with passive lifestyleAs help get rid of the pain and discomfort.